Chapter 57: Lapse

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-----------------Tris's POV------------------

I roll my eyes at uriah as he screams Pansycake. I mean, I do it to, but he screams and never stops! It drives us all insane.

I am surprised that Tobias chose Candor but by the look on his face, as he looks at chris, I have a feeling he is starting to regret it.

She has an evil smile on her face as she thinks of a truth.

" What faction did you come from?" She asks excitedly. Tobias doesn't hesitate as he pulls his t shirt over his head, leaving him in a black tank top that shows off his toned and defined muscles. I have to pull my eyes away from him as he asks Shanna the question.

" Dauntless" She answers confantinly.

" I dare you to..... Go outside and the first person you see, ask to marry you. If they say no,then hug them and start to cry with happiness and start to plan the wedding in front of them. If they say Yes, then start screaming things at them and get furious" He says, pride and smugness in his voice.

Damn thats a good dare.

Uri and Zeke stare at him and Uri says " Damn, Zeke,why didn't we think of that?" I smile and Shanna shoots up from her spot and runs to the door with us following.

We stop at the door frame, peeking our heads out to see, and she walks slowly down the hall.

Anger and a paralyzing fear spreads across my body as Peter turns the corner. Images from 8 days ago flash in front of my eyes and its zeke's voice that snaps me out of it. 

" Oh crap "Zeke whispers.

Peter walks toward Shanna, and she looks over her shoulder at us, her eyes worried and mouths " He is supposed to be at the Fence!"

" No cake" Lyn says in a duh tone, they turn to glare at her, but I can't take my eyes off Peter, I Notice Tobias doesn't  turn to glare either, also focused on peter.

Shanna and Peter are about a meter away from each other when shanna drops down on one knee and holds her hands out like she's holding a ring, when really they are empty.

" Peter, Will you marry me" She asks, acting like she is admiring him. He looks disgusted and Spits hatefully

" No, why would I want to marry you?" 

My anger is only fueled by this. But I am nowhere close to how angry Zeke is, I can literally feel the anger and hatred flowing off him.  Chris said that she thinks that he has a crush on Shanna, it's pretty obvious. 

Zeke go's to move but before he can take a step Tobias puts his arm across his chest, stopping him from going any further.

" Let her deal with that, we will jump in after. Trust me I want to pound that guys face in too, but he will get in Trouble because he shouldn't be here anyway"  I am slightly surprised by Tobias's tone, he may not realize it, but his voice is hard and laced with pure hate. 

I switch my gaze to Chris and she glances over at me, a worried look on her face.

I look back down the hallway and see Shana get up off the ground slowly. For a second I think she is going to plumple him by the tightness in her posture.

 "Really?" She asks excited. She is still going along with the dare. I see Zeke glance at Tobias Nervously.

Shanna throws her arms around him and starts to blamble on about wedding plans and how she wants a purple wedding dress not a white one.

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