Chapter 78: New POV

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3 chapters in 1 day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This chapter is a bit shorter since the last 2 chapters today have been over 3,000 words

Tobias_46_Tris Gave me a great idea to do andrews marcus's and Tris and Tobias's Povs but that would be a really really long chapter so I'm going to do a chapter with Marcus's POV and Maybe andrews POV. Next chapter I'm going to do Tris and Tobias's POV which will be a long one I think. 

This starts when Marcus knocked Tris unconscious 

------------------------Marcus' POV 😈-----------------------------

Stupid Weak girl. Can't believe she passed out with one punch to the temple, like seriously. Ugh.

" You have no idea who you're messing with" Tobias spits from behind me " I warned you Marcus, you underestimate us and that will be the reason you end up dead at the bottom of the chasm or rotting in a cell for the rest of your life" 

I scoff, yeah right.

I turn and punch him in the gut, my fists connecting with his abs. He bends over, taking shallow breaths.

" Andrew can I please have some fun with him, its torcher to have him right here not be able to" I sneer. It's just so tempting.  

Tobias scoffs at me and I resit the urge to Punch him again, how dare he disrespect me.

" I'm sure Tris won't mind, go ahead. It's not like she is awake to stop us or bargain with us " Andrew says bored now that Tris is unconscious, even though it's not my fault that stupid little girl couldn't keep her mouth shut.  

Tobias laugh lightly " You touch me after the deal you made with her and she will murder you, not before she torchers you first though" He says

 " I'd like to see her try" I laugh, she is unconscious and too weak minded to kill me and too stiff to torcher me.

Tobias starts laughing so hard its like he is crying from laughter. why is laughing so much. Frustrated and annoyed I snap " What?" 

" Y-you have no idea what she is capable of. You signed your death certificate the second you walked into dauntless. I told you last time you came here that she will destroy you and I'd help her." He Laughs

I feel my face heat up, Idiot! Looks like he didn't learn his lesson. 

" Lets see you try once you are in the hospital." I say as I punch him. i continue to punch him until my fist throb.

Why am I not just Whipping him? It's much more productive and it doesn't hurt me at all, it's perfect. 

He coughs, Spitting blood. I smile at the sight of blood trailing down his face.

I catch him glancing at tris and order Andrew to take the back of the chair off so I can get to teaching this boy a lesson.

I grab the pair of scissors from earlier and cut his shirt off. I am shocked from the muscles he has in his stomach, a 6 pack of abs and his arms are very muscular, but he is not bulky  and slow, but fast and powerful. I am thankful he is chained and can't hurt me, truthfully I know if He wasn't restrained he could kill me. But he will never get the chance.

When i walk around him i am even more shocked than before. Ink covers his entire back, a massive tattoo covers his skin, but you can still see the muscle definition through I still.

" Got a tattoo I see" I comment, he doesn't respond as I slid my belt out of the Belt loops. i watch as his body tenses and he grips the chair arms, he is scared


I bring the belt down onto his back and he screams into his teeth, I smile. Ahhh it's been too long since I made him scream. I continue to whip him, His skin separated at I bring the belt down relentlessly onto his back. I whip him for about 45 minutes before I notice Tris is waking up I bring the belt down as hard as I can one last time and He releases a high pitched scream. 

I drop the belt on the ground, admire my artwork as his blood drips onto the ground as andrew grabs the back of the chair, putting it back in place and I grip his shoulders and slam his back into it, he screams again, barely continuous form the blood loss. 

Andrew and I walk out of the room and I sigh saying  " That was fun" To andrew as we step out.

I smile when I hear Tris's gasp of horror as she sees the love of her live, soaked in his blood.


MARCUS IS SO EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMMENT WHAT YOU GUYS THINK!!!!!!!!!!! 


 PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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