Chapter 23: Hooked

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Hey guys thank you so much for reading this far! I really appreciate it, Stay brave!

Important: Everybody Please go and check out @Divergent_1234567 and there book Emergent-  Allegiant alternate endings. It is  Fantastic  book ( One of the best divergent fanfictions I have read) and they are an amazing writer and person! Thank you guys! Here is chapter 23! -Emberlyn07

---------- Tris's POV-------

I head to the dining hall, my mind on Four. Nobody has ever cared for me like he did, I mean my mom was driven away from my sister and I with Andrews abuse ever since I was born. Samantha was lost when our mother, natalie, died. Then soon after, she died too.  Andrew then blamed me for there deaths and took out his anger on me, my mother no longer there to protect me. 

I reach the dining hall and my eyes sweep across the room, looking for Christina.  I spot her a few tables away and head over. I went to the dorm before coming here and changed out of the abnegation uniform and into Tight black legging, black v-neck shirt and a heavy jacket. I now blend in with the dauntless surrounding me. 

"Hey" She says in a peppy voice. 

" Hey" I reply with a smile, sitting down. I look at the two dauntless in front of us. I recognize them from the dorms.  An erudite and candor transfer. 

" This is Al and Will" She says introducing me.

" Tris. Nice to meet you" I say 

" You too" They say. Christina elbows me in the side and I wince. She doesn't seem to notice and starts talking. 

" where did you go with four, you guys were gone a while" .....Crap

" Um, Infirmary, for my back and elbow. He said something about a medical check before training for me because I got hurt on the way here, so he wanted to make sure I could train properly. Im all good though" I say, hoping she will buy the lie. 

" Okay" She says ( In this book tris is a really good liar because she had to do it all the time in Abnegation about her bruises. Tris and four are the only two people she can't tell are lying or not) 

She starts a conversation with Al and I look at the container of circular pieces of meat...... I pick up my fork and stab it, picking it up to look at it. I hear Christina stop talking and when I look up from the piece of meat, all three of them are staring at me. 

"What?" I ask.

" Your starting at your hamburger like you have never seen one before" She says

" Oh, is that what its called?" I ask. Will laughs and Christina frowns at him.

" Stiffs eat plain food with no sauces and the minimum of seasoning" He says taking a bite of a roasted potato.   I glare at him for calling me a stiff. 

"Sorry, abnegation" He corrects himself seeing my glare and leaning back away from me. 

" What textbook did you swallow?" Christina jokes. 

We talk, laugh and joke till we are finished our dinner and leave the cafeteria. Christina, Will and Al say they are going to the chasm but I decide to go back to the dorms to rest my back is aching, but not as bad as before.

Halfway there I run into a wall. I wince, letting out a small yelp. Quickly straighten my back to relieve the pain. A big, warm wall? I look up and are met with two deep blue eyes full of concern. 

" Are you okay?" Four asks. 

"Yeah, Im fine. Sorry I should have looked where I was going, Not that you can see anything in these hallways" I say laughing a bit. I faintly see his lips curl into a grin.

" No problem" He replies " I'll see you later Tris"  

"Bye Four" I say. He turns and walks down the hallway, his steps sure, not needing light to guide him. His feet barely leave the ground yet he walks fast, full of power. I smile at him as he turns his head as he goes around the corner, His eyes on mine, his lips turned up in a small smile and then he's gone.   

I turn around and head to the dorms, missing his deep blue eyes on mine. 


Word count 736

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