Chapter 7: Dream come true

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     I open my eyes and see a white room, where am I? I move my head and my whole body aches. A sharp burst of pain spread like wildfire across my body. Then last night all comes back to me.  I must have lost conciseness. Wait this looks like a hospital room... 

    I hear the door open and pretend to be asleep. The person must of saw because they say 

" Its okay Beatrice, I'm just a nurse" I open my eyes to see What looks like a nurse in blue scrubs. 

" What happened, " I ask, curious what her answer will be.  

" Do you not remember last night" she has a light voice but I can hear the worry in it. 

 "Vaguely" Her face went from worried to sad in a second. 

" Okay, then you know that you dad hit you several times before you lost consciousness and only till you didn't wake up a few hours later he brought you to this hospital at erudite" Her voice is dripping with anger and disgust. I know why but it still surprises me. 

" What day is it" she never said and I have a feeling it has been a while.  

" You were in a medically induced coma to recover from your injuries" wait I was in a coma? 

 " For how long? " I ask 

"About a week" 

" What are my injuries than" As soon as the words leave my mouth she press her lips together and stares at me sympathetically. 

" Umm... you have 3 broken ribs from where he hit you. You have a bruised jaw bone.  He fractured your nose. And there was internal bleeding from where he hit you in the side and stomach. We decided to put you in a medically induced coma to help you recover from the broken ribs but mainly the internal bleeding which took surgery to repair" By the time she finishes I am filled with dread.   

" What happens now" There is no way I can go back to him. I won't.  

"Beatrice how long has this been going on, or is this new." 

" Why?"

" Because we need to know, we have proof if you say this wasn't the first time"

" And what proof is that"

" The scar tissue on your back... The bruised bones... the fact that you pretended to be asleep when you thought I was your dad" I don't know what to say. Should I tell her? If I tell her than they may let me leave home. 

" About 10 years" I state it like its nothing, just a fact when really for ten years I have had to deal with him. though never this bad, I never went to the hospital... let alone at erudite. He never let me. She just stares at me in horror. 

" Umm I-I'll be right back" she is trying to stop her voice from shaking. she failed. She is probably a mother herself if she is struggling this much with it. Or is it that bad and I am just used to it? 

While she is gone I look down at myself.  I look horrible, I can't even describe it. How long will I be here? I can't believe that he broke my ribs. Though if I need proof all I need to do is move and searing pain will spread across my body.  It's been 30 minutes according to the clock on the wall. she still isn't back yet...

~~~20 minutes later~~~~

" Hi, Sorry it took me so long I had to contact some people." the nurse says as she slips in and closes the door behind her.

" All good, umm how long will I have to stay"

" We need to keep you for observation so probably 2-3 weeks" 

" Okay and after?" 

" The hospital has decided that you will no longer live with him, or can due to him going on probation" 

" Wait, what? Where am I going to go!"

" I thought you would be happy?"  

" Of course I'm glad I don't have to go through this every day anymore but-" she cuts me off

"Every day?" 

" pretty much... where am I going to live"

" Umm T-The hospital knows that he's is your only family, so you will be living with your emergency contact Susan Black." I'm leaving. Im finally leaving. Im free! That monster can stop me!



Hope you guys like it so far!!! -Emberyn07

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