Chapter 56: Evil dead?

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Hey guys, sorry for not updating sooner but here is chapter 56 at last!!!! 


-------------Four's POV-------------

" Uh... Truth" I decide, not wanting to get back up after just sitting down.

" PANSEYCAKE"Uri screams and Everybody shakes there head. I grin as I see Tris roll her eyes out of my peripheral vision.

 Chris smiles evilly and I start to regret my choice. 

" What faction did you come from?" She asks excitedly. I don't hesitate to pull of my shirt, leaving me in a black tank top, for layers. 

She huffs, pouting and I smile lightly.

" Shanna C or D" I ask. She thinks about it for a second before answering. 

" Dauntless" She replies confantinly.

" I dare you to..... Go outside and the first person you see, ask to marry you. If they say no,then hug them and start to cry with happiness and start to plan the wedding in front of them. If they say Yes, then start screaming things at them and get furious" I say. A proud smile on my face.

Uri and Zeke stare at me and Uri says " Damn, Zeke,why didn't we think of that?" 

Grinning Shanna smiles and shoots up from her spot, running through the apartment door, with us hot on her tail.

When we get outside Shanna walks down the hall, while we stay tucked inside the doorframe, all of us peeking our head out to see.

When we see who turns the corner, looking extremely pissed, all our eyes widen.

" Oh crap "Zeke whispers.

Peter walks toward Shanna, and she looks over her shoulder at us, her eyes worried and mouths " He is supposed to be at the Fence!"

" No cake" Lyn says in a duh tone, they turn to glare at her, but I cant take my eyes off Peter.

Shanna and Peter are about a meter away from each other when shanna drops down on one knee and holds her hands out like she's holding a ring, when really they are empty.

" Peter, Will you marry me" She asks, acting like she is admiring him. He looks disgusted and Spits hatefully

" No,  why would I want to marry you?" 

At this I can Practically feel the anger radiation of zeke,he has a crush on her Im pretty sure. He goes to move but I put my arm across his chest. 

" Let her deal with that, we will jump in after. Trust me I want to pound that guys face in too, but he will get in Trouble because he shouldn't be here anyway" I say, Mad that he is here. Zeke nods, his face hard.

I look back down the hallway and see Shana get up off the ground slowly. For a second I think she is going to plumple him, I sure as hell want to.

 "Really?" She asks excited. She is still going along with the dare. Zeke glances at me nervous.

Shanna throws her arms around him and starts to blamble on about wedding plans and how she wants a purple wedding dress not a white one.

" OH and we can have purple flowers and-" She is mid sentence when Peter yells and throws her off him, slamming her into the ground.

Zeke lurges forward, but Lyn that stops him this time

" She will signal when she needs help, we have talked about this and I know the signal. I will tell you when to intervene. Trust me" Lyn says her voice hard, I can tell she wants to hurt Peter too.

Shanna stays on the ground, acting unconscious but the tap of her finger on the floor, tells us that she isn't, but Peter doesn't see it. 

He scoffs and mutters " Wimp" And when he goes to step over her she grabs his ankle, I recognize it as the one that Tris has twisted...Twice.

She, also, Twists it, making him fall straight on his face. He stupidly uses his hands to catch himself and  I see his wrist twist and he lands on them. He probably just dislocated it, Idiot.

Her face is lit with fire and she climbs on top of him, brinning her fist down on his face 5 times before he finally punches her back.

She Screams in anger,and from what I can tell from the blood seeping from her nose, pain.

She jumps up, as dose Peter and she tackles him, jumping on his back and wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, choking him.

Peter, gasps and slams her into the wall, making Her realise her grip and falling off.

Shanna then twists her hands together and does some weird thing with her two thumbs.

"That's it, Go" Lyn says.

Zeke and I look at each other and before we can even think about moving a blonde head, whips past us and Jumps onto Peters back, Tris.

" Tris!" I yell

" What the-" Peter shouts but Tris takes the heel of her foot into Peter's groin, making him double over. She uses the motion to roll of his back like a summersault, then, her hands still hooked around his neck, slides underneath his stomach and pushes her hands forward, making Peter flip over and land on his back and hits his head hard on the stone,knocking the wind out of him and knocking him unconscious .

I Watch in awe, unable to move. The whole move was smooth and precise. 

" How in the hell- She just-How- She just got out of a freaking 8 day soma and she is flipping people and tackling them and- "chris says flipping out.

She pauses " She is going to be the next dauntless prodigy isn't she" Chris states

Tris flops onto her back, since she was in a sitting position she just...flops. We spot Shanna holding her neck and lower back and we all rush to them.

I stop at Tris and the others go to shanna, then come back to Tris after Shanna saying she was okay.

" Tris! You cant do that" I say checking her over making sure she isnt hurt"

She sits up and smirks at me.

" I just did. And it was AWESOME! I haven't fought in 8 days and Fighting the Person that nearly killed me and beating him,is even better!"She says smiling.

" Thank you Tris" Shanna says, getting up.

" My pleasure" She responds as I help her stand.

" Though I wish I killed him after what he did to me" She says bitterly.

Thats when Zeke starts shouting.

" Guys! Um....I hate Peter with every ounce of fiber in my body but, There isn't a pulse" He shouts pressing his fingers to the side of peters neck, looking up at us.

I look back at Tris

She stares in shock.

" Did I just kill the person that tried to kill me and my friend" She says slowly.

Then all hell breaks lose,

 and Zeke starts Compressions.


OOOOOOOOOH CHIFLHANGER!!!! I really am sorry about all these cliffhangers....I JUST CANT HELP IT!!!!!

Should Peter die? Or Should he live? PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!




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