Chapter 62: FourTris Back Again!

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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!!!!!! thank you guys so much for being so patient with me, i'm sorry for not updating sooner!!!!

I would like to recognize another phenomenal writer Tobias_46_Tris She is very kind, funny and supporting and deserves your guys vote on her book Divergent: Love story and an upcoming book of her's of which has not yet been announced. *Whispers* you didn't hear it from me, but It's going to be an amazing book that you all shall read or your Divergent fanfiction journey will not be complete!

Anyway! Merry Christmas Guys!!! Thank you all so much for everything!!!!!

--------Tris POV-------

Four, the man that caught me, Walks me around the Compound; showing me places I have apparently been.

It's so surreal, being here in dauntless. Walking with a boy that, apparently has a crush on me.

I feel my cheeks heat up a bit at the thought.

He tries to jog my memory but nothing resurfaces. My eyebrows furrow with confusion when we go to a spot at the chasm, a weird feeling of familiness washes over me but I can't figure out why.

Eventually, Four gives up and we head to his apartment. I notice a slight limp in his step and I immediately feel guilty.

This man, that apparently  loves me got a 4 inch needle in his leg so he could catch me and I don't even remember him.

No matter how hard I try to think of how I got here, What has happened, nothing comes to mind. It's all....Blank.

When we reach his apartment I walk inside, looking briefly around the room.

" I'll take the couch, you can have the bed" He says from behind me. I start  to protest, he has done enough for me, but he insists and we get ready for bed.

I walk into his bathroom and for some reason a feeling of uneasiness and briefly pain of a memory I can't seem to see, comes over me, did something bad happen here with him and I? Or to us? To me?

I shake the feeling and change into My PJ's, a pair of shorts and a baggy black t-shirt that ends just above the hem of my shorts of which end mid thigh.

I walk out of the bathroom and Walk to the couch were Four sets up and Pillow and blanket. He wears Sweatpants and a T- shirt but for some reason I think he only sleeps in pants, but wears the T-shirt for my sake.

" Night Four, thank you for everything" I say, standing a few feet away from him. He looks up and smiles faintly.

" Goodnight Tris" He says and looks like he wants to move toward me, but ends up staying where he is.

For some reason, I want him to come closer. I scold myself in my head and walk to his bed, climbing under the covers and snuggling into the pillows, breathing in a distinct smell that surrounds the bed and blankets, comforting me. 

I watch Four sit down on the couch and pull his T-shirt off. 

New it. But how?

He lays down and I turn the lamp, sitting on the nightstand, off.

I close my eyes and try to sleep but I can't. The familterty off the a spot by the Chasm. The strange feeling of calm every time I am around Four, even though I should be intimidated and maybe even scared.....But i'm just not. The hunches and blank memories of his apartment and him. Of my 'Friends' I can't even remember, but yet know that Uri and Zeke are goofy, Lynn is tough and hard but can be kind, Chris is a girly girl for sure, Will loves knowledge, and Shanna and Marlene totally have crushes on Uri and Zeke and Four-

I shoot up from my curled up position.


His names not Four! Its tobias!!! 

I Look at the couch and see Tobias' even breaths and know he asleep. Who cares- I know he won't- I remember!

I jump up from bed, turn on the lamp and Slowly walk over to the couch, Standing in front of him.

God he's so cute when he sleeps.

I shake him lightly, smiling, barely able to resist not kissing him right then and there. 

His eyes flutter open.

 "Tris? is everything alright? Are you okay?" He ask his voice husky from sleep.

God his sleepy morning voice is hot

I smile wider, at the fact that he cares so much for me.

He sits up alert and looks around the apartment. Obviously he doesn't find anything wrong and looks back at me, I place my hand on his cheek and whisper his name.

" Tobias"

His eyes widen.

" Tris? You remember my name?" He asks smiling. My grin widens and I nod

" I remember everything" I whisper, biting my lower lip.

 Suddenly he grabs my waist and pulls me into his lap, so I straddle him. I laugh lightly and run my hands through his hair. He still doesn't have a shirt on, so I can see his 6 pack and bare torso. Running my hand across his stomach, I trace his abs.

" I missed you" He says. I look into his eyes and smile wider, inching my face closer to his.

" I love you" I say " I would say I missed you too but....I didn't exactly know who you were" I say giggling lightly. He grins and I press my mouth to his. His hands rest around my waist while Mine are playing with his hair. His hand slips under my t-shirt and I tense, but immediately relax again.

This is tobias.

We pull away for breath and I pant, trying to catch my breath.

 "I love you too" He whispers against my ear, sending shivers through my body. I turn my head and kiss him, it quickly turns into a heated makeout session. Tobias grips my waist and in one swift motion, flips us so he is hovering above me. We kiss, Tobias' and I's tongues battle for dominance and his hand slide up my torso, but stays in appropriate range while my hand creeps up his back, my other playing with his hair still. 

We pull away again for breath.

" I hate to say this but we have training tomorrow " I say still grinning

" Stage 2" He says, still hovering over me " You ready?" He asks grinning slightly.

" Hell no" I laugh " But as much as I ever will be." He laughs and spits up pulling me with him and to his bed.

We walk over and slip under the covers, snuggling.

" I love you Tris" He whispers, his hot breath sliding across my neck

 "I love you more, tobias" I state

 "Impossible" I smile and snuggle into him more. 

Tomorrow we may have to fight again, god knows we have gone through obstacles everyday since we were both a child, fighting to survive in our prisons in abnegation that we were forced to call home and now once again we do it now in our new home. Peter, Eric, Andrew and Marcus will never stop fighting. But the thing is, there on our turf now, this is our home. We make the rules, and If anybody wants to take my new family and home away from me, there going to have to go through all of us to do it. If I have to fight everyday to survive, alongside my family, I'll do it. And everyday it will end like this, will Me in Tobias's arms, safe as long as I'm with him. A million things can be wrong in the world, but nothing will bring down the FourTris.






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