Chapter 83: Explanation

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omg Guys Im SO SO SO SO SO sorry for the long wait, I know it has been over like a week or something but I have an AMAZING idea for the next 2 chapter and you guys are going to loveeeeeeeeeeee it, i think, well i hope. Lets just say Marcus is going to get what's coming to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The badass in Tris is coming out and marcus is gonna face her wrath............

I don't have a lot of time right now, so this chapter is pretty short Well ita 1301 words long do it's not that bad 

-------------Zeke's POV--------------------

" Yeah....come to the hospital its important........I'll explain everything when you guys get here, now hurry.....ok bye" I hear tris say on the phone, talking to Shanna.

Everybody, except uriah and I are beyond confused. Uri and I just came back from the hospital just when Tris called shanna. Christina is already gone, she was bringing Tris and Four stuff, but the gang doesnt know whats going on.

Apparently tris and Four decided that they were going to tell the gang. I mean I want to know why tris called Four tobias, but I'm guessing that's his real name. 

" Okay....I guess we are going to the hospital?" Shanna says like a question. Uri nods and I open the door of my apartment, holding it open for everybody.

We reach the hospital and Uri and I lead the way. when we reach the psychiatric floor the whole gang starts to ask questions, beyond confused.

" Guys shut up, Tris and four will explain everything" Uri says as the guards pat us down, giving us visitor tags.

"Come on this way" Uri urges

We walk down the tunnel of hallways until we finally reach their room: Room 46

I nock and I hear Tris yell " Come in" 

We open the door and the gang files in. Four sits beside Tris on their bed and christina sits on the floor.  A few boxes sit on the counter, I assume christina brought them. 

" What the hell is going on?" Lynn demands

" Sit down" Tris says softly

Uri and I plop down, the rest of the gang following. 

" It's time I told you about my life, before Dauntless" Four says, his voice creaky

" wait- you're not dauntless born?" christina pipes up, her eyebrows raised, shock written all over her face.

Four nods

" wait really?" I ask. 

" Yes, I was the first abnegation- Dauntless transfer" Four states " Ever" 

everybody's eyes go wide

" You were born abnegation and then came to dauntless and is like a freaking dauntless prodigy?!" Marlene asks

"Yup" Tris says smiling

" Okay, anyway. i was born abnegation and my father is Marcus Eaton."

" Wait the person that kidnapped you and is also the abnegation leader?" Will asks

" Yes." Four takes a deep breath and Tris grips his hand " My name is tobias eaton and Marcus is nothing like anyone thinks. Marcus was extremely abusive to my mother for their whole marriage, he raped evelyn, My mother, and my sister came along but Eelyn lost the baby because of the constant abuse. When Evelyn was pregnant with me evelyn wasn't getting abused because marcus and Evelyn had just gotten married and then the abuse started and i was born. I was slapped around as a baby and then when i turned 7 Marcus turned to the belt. Marcus had already been beating my mom for years with a belt but My beatings were no more than punches and kicks, that is until evelyn left, leaving me alone with him.  Marcus beat me with a belt on top of the punches and everything, until when I was 16 and left for dauntless." four explains

Holy shit......

" Marcus hates me, for what reason I don't know. And when I left he turned to Andrew, the other person that Kidnaped us, and tris's father. Tris was already getting abused at that point and lets just say andrew had no problem sharing his punching bag. Tris was beaten for 2 years by Marcus and Andrew before she left abnegation and came to Dauntless. Then on visiting day Marcus and andrew showed up here and threatened us. they left and then came back, and kidnapped us" Four finishes, his voice shaking. tris's Eyes are closed and she grips Four's hands

" Damn you guys are so strong, but that is so fucked up" lynn says, her expression can be described as one thing: Pissed

" Sooooo When do we get to murder that asshole Marcus?" Shanna asks

" but why would Marcus do that?" Will comments

" I have no idea" Four replies 

" but wait what are we doing here, like whats going on" Marlene asks

" Im getting to that" Four whispers

" I have 3 things to ask of you guys though" Four says and we all nod " Nothing I have told you gets out of this circle and you guys only call me four."

" Aww but Tris calls you Tobias" Uri whines

" Yeah, she's the love of my life" Four stars and Christina starts giggling as Tris  Blushes uncontrollably.

" ok so what are we doing here?" lyn asks

Four takes a deep breath again.

" do you want me to explain?" tris whispers to him and he nods

" um okay so Four uhh I don't really know how to- i just I can't really explain cause i don't quite understand Myself" Tris says looking at Four

" now i'm just even more confused" shanna comments

" I believe that it's my fault. That everything that has happened to Tris wouldn't have if it weren't for me. If I had stayed in abnegation, Marcus wouldn't have hurt Tris. If I didn't get close to tris in Dauntless then She wouldn't have been a target. I should have saved her when we were captured. I know that I will be the reason that she is hurt again and I love her and I cant stop hurting her."

" but your not the one hurting me. Marcus and Andrew were and you are nothing like them. If you weren't in my life I would have been dead a long time ago. Your the reason I'm still alive." tris whispers to him

" tris is right dude. you are nothing like them and you would literally die before you hurt her." Will says

" Witch is why we are here. I couldn't change the past but I never wanted to hurt tris again and I blamed myself for everything that has happened to us." four says

" He tried to commit suicide just before Uri and Zeke walked in and then Uri came and got me, Zeke tackled  him and We brought him here so he could get help and we both need therapy." Tris explains, squeezing Four's hand as he looks at the floor.  I look over my shoulder at the gang to be met with horrified faces.  

" I am going to try and make it work here, for tris" Four says " I still believe it all my fault but- we are going to do our best here" 

" Thank you for telling us" Will says

" Can we go kill, torture and cause a world of pain for  Marcus now for making you believe those lies and doing that to you guys that bastard?" Lynn growls

" Oh" tris says, fire in her eyes " you can leave that to me" 





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