Chapter 37 : Prodigy

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----Tris Pov----

I sit there frozen, staring into his eyes.

Di-did h-he just-

" Yes" I say, A smile breaks out on his face and on mine, as We lean in and press our mouths together.

A Tingling sensation  spreads across my body at his touch.

I feel as if I will burst into flames or melt into a puddle when i'm around him. The space between us is charged with electricity as he pulls away just before the door springs open. I look at him with a shocked look and he winks at me.

How did he know that they were there?

" Omg that was amazing!" Chris yells

" Did he hit her face!" I yell at her.

" NO, he hit the muffin dead center and Marlene didn't even flinch!" She responds skipping over with the rest of the group. Uriah santers over with a smug look on his face.

" Uriah I dare you to have a shooting contest with Four. Whoever hits dead center 3 times in a row in the training room gets the other persons dauntless cake for 3 days!" She yells

" What! I didn't say dare"

" But your not a pansycake so you wouldn't have picked candor" Will points out

" True" I agree. I look at tobias and he shrugs.

" I'm down" He says smugly

"...wait doesn't four have better aim than me..." Uriah says narrowing his eyes at Tobias.

" You guys will just have to see" I say and slyly  wink at tobias. He laughs a Bit under his breath and I look back at Uri.

" You doing this or not!" AL yells.

Everybody stands up and marlene drags uriah out the door.  I get off tobias's legs legs and can't help but stare at his bare torso.

He has a 6 pack and is incredibly fit. 

" Tris?"  My eyes name up to his at my name, he raises his eyebrows and I blush slipping on my jacket. He follows me out the door, putting his shirt on as we reach the hallway.

"Crap come on" I say and take off running down the hall. The gang just turned the corner and the end of hallway.

Tobias and I run together down the hallway and glide into the group, without them noticing that we were gone. I smile in succes and throw my arms around Chris.

" Hey bestie" I whisper in her ear.

" Hey" She whispers back

" I have a really good dare "She whispers back

 "For who?"

" Four" She whispers grinning. 

" Ooooh what is it" I ask

 "You'll see" She says winking at me. 

Ohhhh boy

We reach the Training room and Four and Uriah go over to the targets and grab two guns.

 "They just leave these around?" I ask nobody in particular

" Yeah but there just plastic pellets" Zeke says I nod and brush my fingertips over the handle the cold metal seeping into my skin.

" Okay Uriah your up!" Marlene yells. Uriah steps up to the target and lifts his gun.

He pulls the trigger three times and there is a series of loud bangs. I look at the target and see three dents in the second ring.

" Hah second ring, beat that!" Uriah yells in Tobias's face.

" Beat that huh?" He says. I walk over to Chris and the group and mutter.

" He's going to destroy that" Chris lighty laughs beside me and Four  walks up to the line, facing the target. 

I watch him as he inhales and aims, exhales and fire's. He fires twice and then puts the gundown turning to Uriah with a small smile. Both pellets hit dead center.

" You forgot your third hit" Uriah says matter of factly.

" Oh right" Tobias says and swings his arm behind him still looking at Uri. He squeezed the trigger and we all look at the board with wide eyes.

 "Ho-how i-di-did HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU GET A BULLSEYE NOT EVEN LOOKING!" Christina screams in amazement. 

I stare at the middle ring, a third dent on the dot in the smallest ring. Uriah's mouth is wide open looking between the bord and Tobias.

" Told you" I say with a smile. Tobias's eyes flick over to mine and he walks past Uri patting his shoulder on the way.

" I'll take that cake tomorrow night!" Tobias shouts from the door.

" He really is evil" Zeke mutters "like taking someones cake is just...rude" Zeke says

" He earned it" Will points out

 "Damn right" Christina says in astonishment, walking toward the door tobias just exited.

We all follow. Still shocked.

" How did he get that good" Shanna asks

" Shanna he started that good, he's a frickin Dauntless prodigy" Lynn says casually, the only one not freaking out in there head.

I don't know how in the hell someone that came from Abnegation could be so Dauntless at heart.

Wait he didn't say where he was going

" Where did he go" I ask shoving the training door open and looking down the hallway on both sides.

" Probably back to the apartment" Will remarks. Oh that makes sense.

"Come on let's go" Uri shouts jogging off as Christina links arms with me, I lean my head on her shoulder and she does the same.

" Im tired" I state

" Me too, what time is it" 

" No clue, WILL WHAT TIME IS IT" I yell down the hall

"10: 46 PM" He shouts back stopping jogging to check his watch.

 "THANKS"  Christina yells

"YOUR WELCOME BABE" He screams turning the corner. I give christina a pointed look and wiggle my eyebrows

" So you and Will" I say

" So you and Four" She says back mocking me. I cant fight off the smile on my face as I think off him.

" Seriously you picked a good one, like Dauntless prodigy, come on" She says with a "Duh" tone

"I don't know Wills got erudite smarts" I repond

 "Four works in the control room" She say and sighs " He's got the smarts too" I smile and we jog  the rest of the way to the apartment.


Word count 1025 

Hey guys Do you guys think I should time skip initiation to visiting day? Or keep going how it is?

Please comment, suggest and vote! Thank you guys, Love you all!

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