Chapter 87: Don't you dare

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OK GUYS big decision should I end this series with an amazing ending lol and start a new book of which I have a really good idea for, OR Should I do a book 2???!!!

Thanks you so much Tobias_46_Tris who gave me the idea for this chapter!!! Go read her book and follow her!!!!!!!!!!!!

--------------------Tobias's POv------------

The bottle rests in my hand, my eyes clinging to the prescription.  I can't bring myself to open it, and take them. 

Tris and I were released from the hospital just 1 hour ago, the antidepressants our therapists gave me, sitting in my hand.  I know I need to take them, but I just can't. I can't accept that I am broken, lost, damaged, worthless, and that these Pills will change that, they won't, so what's the point in taking them.

" Tobias, Im gonna go grab some snacks from the store, I'll be back in a bit. Love you!" Tris yells from outside the bathroom door.

Her voice startles me and I drop the bottle, the pills spilling all over the floor.

" goddamn it" I whisper under my breath " Bye, I love you too" 

The apartment door slams shut, signalling that she has left. I grab 1 of the pills that spilled on the counter and shove it in my mouth, knowing that I made a promise to Tris, that I would take them. She is the only reason I do anything these days. 

I take a sip from the glass of water I brought with me to the bathroom, and swallow it. I look up at the mirror in front of me, and I despise what I see. My eyes are bloodshot and dark, my skin dull,  my hair greasy and my body has lost some of its definition. I pull up my  shirt and I already expected my  hard-to-be-seen ab's. My eyes cling to the scars that wrap around my sides from marcus's beatings, and as I turn I see the ugly, thick, red scar that goes over all the others that cover my whole back, from when marcus took the knife and cut me. I shake my head, disgusted to see what I have become and leave the bathroom without cleaning up the spilled pills or looking again in the mirror. 

With marcus in my head I decide to go and see him, knowing that his cell with be the one with the most guards. Sure enough when I get to the holding cells, I see the slightest glimpse of Marcus through the glass panel of the door, with 5 guards all standing by it. 

" Let me through" My voice is hard, and demanding. The guards know who I am, and don't hesitate to let me through, but 1 guard follows me in.

I whisper a thanks to the guard, not wanting to be alone with him,  he nods and opens the second door, revealing marcus. 

I almost throw up at the sight of this monster. His face is caked in blood and swollen, his nose broken, his eyes both swollen and black and I can tell by the way his arm hangs that It has been shattered along with his knee, and a knife in his thigh.

" Well hello tobias" Marcus grins and I see 5 of his teeth are missing and I have to look away.

" what the hell happened to you" I say, generally curious who did this to him. I'm guessing it was uriah or Zeke.

He laughs " your girlfriend" 

His words send a cold bolt through my body, and I feel my spine stiffen. Tris did this?

" Yeah, she was quite hmmmmm, a bitch that day and wasn't very respectful." He laughs

" Don't you dare." I growl " whatever she did to you, you deserved and I told you. I told you, that she was going to destroy you, and by the looks of you she basically succeed. I just wish I was here to help her. 

his face turns red and anger is evident in his eyes " You have no idea what she did to me, if you took of my shirt you would see. that bitch whiped me, cut me, poured alcohol on my wounds, shattered my elbow, punched me, Burned me, she even stabbed me in the leg-"

I go up to him and bring my fist down on his already bruised, bloody and swollen face and he screams.

" I know EXACTLY what she did to you, Because YOU did the SAME THING TO ME AND TO HER for 16 years!!!!" I yell at him. Appalled that he can say that, that I have " no idea" what she did when all she did was do what he did.

A feeling of dread comes over me as I realised she did this to him out of vengeance of what he did to me and put her through. 

She for that 1 day, became like him. but I know, I know that she isn't anything like him. Me on the other hand, I don't know. 

I look him over again, and realize he finally looks like the monster that he is.

"You deserve everything that she did to you, and more. You deserve to go through the pain you went through that day, everyday for the rest of your life" I spit, disgusted 

" That little bitch, your anorexic girlfriend, that whore and slut, is a piece of worthless trash that deserves to die a slow and painful death. And when I get out of here will take her and torcher her right in front of you and then slit her throat and this time, your stupid friends won't save that ugly, stick thin slu-"

" Guard leave" I demand, my face on fire, my fists clenched and I am as as mad as I have ever been. The guard exits the room and the second the door closes I punch marcus as hard as I can in the mouth and continue to beat the shit out of him until he is unconscious, with tears in my eyes at the fact marcus is calling her a slut and whore because he and andrew raped her, and he keeps reminding me,

 that it is my fault. 


It is 11:40 pm where I live and I am so tired,and this chapter was sooooo bad, like I'm so sorry but Im so tired and I haven't updated in a month and again I am sooo sorry.

I gotta go to bed guys, goodnight. sorry this chapter is horrible, i'm really not in the best, mind set right  now and- this chapter is just shit, im sorry... 

I should probably just delete this and re-write it but i'm too tired....

word count 1138

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