Chapter 17: Here we go

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----Tris's Pov---

As soon as my feet leave the edge in drop. I gasp as I am suspending in the air and gravity pulls me down to the ground, I feel as if somebody  grabbed my stomach and squeezed  it as hard as they could. 

The hole in the pavement at the bottom getting bigger by the second and the chance that I will actually go through it becomes more and more likely. As the chance of my landing on the hard pavement at the bottom of the 7 story jump is less likely. 

My loose shirt snaps in the powerful wind and I pass through the -now large- hole in the ceiling. My body is slammed into a forgiving fabric that curls around me. The wind is knocked out of me and I struggle to breath. It takes me a moment to realize what I landed in. A net. I landed in a net. I look up at the ledge, which is now very small,  and am blinded by the bright light. I focus on it and can see tiny black-clothed people leaning over it, peering down.

I just jumped off a 7 story roof. I burst out laughing at the thought. The net is pulled to my left and I roll over to the hands sticking out to me. I grab them and the person pulls me down.

I would have landed straight on my face if they hadn't caught me. Once I recover my balance with the help of the hand steading me, I look up to see who they belong to. 

My eyes are met by a set of dark blue orbs, For a second I am lost in them, There hypnotizing. I am pulled back to reality when he pulls his hands away from my sides.  

"Thank you" I say, My steady and strong voice shocks me.

A woman behind him speaks.

" A stiff the first to jump, unheard of"  She says twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. I feel a surge of pride. The boy with blue eyes tilts his head toward her, not taking his eyes of mine.

" There's a reason she left them lauren" He says his voice deep.  he turns fully back to me and  speaks again.

" What's your name?" I am about to say Beatrice, but the words don't feel natural to say anymore. 

" Is it a hard one?" He asks. I hesitate again. What do I do?

" You can pick a new one if you want but make it good, you don't get to pick again." 

I can be remade here. I am no longer the short, plain stiff from abnegation. I am dauntless. I remember what I said to Uriah and know exactly what to say.

" Tris" I reply with confidence.

" Tris" Lauren says " Make the announcement Four" Four so that's the boys name, Interesting name it must have a meaning to it. 

Four takes his eyes of me and turns to the dauntless surrounding the net, I realized quickly that we are in a underground cavern. Black-clothed, pierced and tattooed Dauntless are filling the cavern.

" First jumper-Tris!" He yells, his deep voice filling the cavern. The dauntless Clap, cheer and shout out to me. I feel a rush of adrenaline. This is my home now, I am finally free. Christina plummets into the net with a ear splitting scream, Yup I know its her by her high pitched scream. I grin and go to step off the platform. Just before I do Four places his hand between my shoulderblades and I flinch. After everything that has happened today my back is aching. I pray he did not notice but when I look up at him he is eyeing me. Crap. Though I am sure He noticed by the way he is eyeing me he dismisses it without saying anything. 

" Welcome to dauntless" He says with a small smile, his eyes warm. 

Here we go.

I step off the flatform.

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