Chapter 27: Accusations and love

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-----Fours pov-----

After I deal with Tris's Infection I make sure she is comfortable, even though she is still unconscious, and leave to go to the training room. 

I get there  few minutes before the initiates file in, once they do I start to speak.

 " Initiates! Something has come up so you guys have the rest of they day off as well as tomorrow due to it being a scheduled day off." I yell "I suggest you put in some time training, working out or exploring the compound." I say and the initiates smile excitedly. I hurry out of the room and head back to my apartment.

I see tris is still unconscious when I get there and I go to check her back. I peel of the bandages and see the green puss is gone and the slashes are no longer inflamed. 

Good, the antibiotics I gave her are working. I may not be erudite but At least I know how to put in an IV and feed medicine through it.  I go to the bathroom to grab new bandages and some cream. 

After I finish redressing her wounds, I notice her start to stir.  I kneel beside her, so that I can see her face. She's still on her stomach.

" Tris" I whisper, she stirs some more.

" Tris" I say again. She slowly peels open her eyelids and I am met with her blue grey eyes. 

" Hey" I whisper. She looks at me confused and then her eyes widen with realization.   

"What happened?" She whispers as she tries to prop herself up on my mattress. As soon as she  starts to move she lets out a small scream and her eyes start to water. 

" Hey, don't move" I say putting my hand on her arm " Your back was infected. You collapsed when I dismissed you guys for lunch but everybody had already left so nobody saw." I say.

" What caused the infection?" She whispers. I feel my body stiffen. I don't say anything for a few minutes, not sure what to say.

" You were starved, weren't you?" Her eyes widen and she looks at me shocked, but not saying anything.

She doesn't say anything. She doesn't deny it,  but she doesn't confirm it.

 I don't need her too. I already know by her reaction that I am right.  I stare into her eyes, we both don't say anything.  I break the eye contact and stand up, close my eyes and take a deep breath, crossing the room.

" What do I do now?" I hear her say. I look back over at her.

"Well start with eating properly" I say 

"What do you mean?" She asks. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. What does she mean " What do you mean"? 

" Start eating full meals" I say. She doesn't respond but instead tries to get up. 

" Careful!" I say rushing back over to her. She sits up, with my help and Pulls her shirt down and fiddles with something under her shirt. I realize quickly she is relapsing her bra strap and I turn away and grab her some water. I come back into my bedroom and see her sitting on my bed her back against my headboard. 

"What is this" She says looking at her hand, looking scared. 

" It's just an IV, it gives you medicine" I say, wondering why she is so scared.

" Get it out" She says still starting at it.

" Tris its-" 

" GET IT OUT" She yells at me, tears streaming down her face. What the hell? 

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