Chapter 42: Emotions

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-------Tobias's POV------

I stare at Marcus, frozen and unable to move with his  hand on me again. I turn into a little boy in front of his father, terrified. A frustrated and anger yell snaps my attention back to where Tris is.

I see her sweep Andrews feet out from under him and he hits the ground with a groan and thud. Tris drags herself over to him and gets on top.

She throws punch after punch, in between each punch she says a sentence.

" You murdered my mother!" She screams, accompany it with a punch. 

Andrew murdered natalie? She died of an unknown cause so it makes sense, but still Andrew murdered Tris's mother?!

" You beat me every goddamn day!" She yells at him punching yet again

" You watched as Marcus Torcher me!" She screams, Her words feel like a punch in the gut. But there nothing compared to what she says next.

" You Raped me and  You starved me!" I already knew It was true but hearing the hurt and anger in her voice along with the words feels like I was just hit with a freight train.

" Then you come into my home and BRING IT ALL BACK" She screams as She gets up and kicks Him all over his body, until he is barely conscious. 

" I hope you drop dead" She whispers her voice incredibly calm and deadly " If you don't, I'll kill you myself" She says as she kicks him in the head, watching his eyes roll to the back of his head.

" Well looks like  she finally stood up to him  " Marcus whispers in my ear, so Tris can't hear, and I shiver. Tris whips around and I look into her eyes, Terrified that my worst nightmare is standing in front of me, gripping my arm  so tight it throbs. 

Proud because she just stood up to Her worst nightmare.

Angry, because of Andrew

And scared for her. Marcus is right in front of me, he could lunge at her and hurt her. 

But when her eyes flick to Marcus I expect her to run away, Or to freeze like I Am or look at me with pity. But No, When she sees Marcus she looks at him, 

With a murderous glare,

I even get scared when she has that look on her face.  Her eyes drop to my arm and she sees his hand gripping it.

"Well hello Beatrice, Tobias"Marcus says grinning

 She Slowly she lifts her eyes to marcus's and says in a deadly and calm tone

 "Get. Your. Hands. Off. Of him" I stare at her In love and shock as she steps toward him. How in the hell is she so brave, that she would talk to marcus,  like he is not one of the people that torched her?! 

And how in the hell, did I get so lucky to love her? And for her to care about me?

Tris steps toward him again and Her presence makes me feel stronger, braver and gives my throat the pressure it needs to say

 "Tris, Stay there" I Say to her, not wanting her to get any closer to Marcus. She ignores me and continues to take a step forward.

Her glare intensifies, if even possible.

" GET. Away from him" She says her body tense, her beautiful eyes lit with anger and fire.

Marcus laughs and I cringe.

" So tobias you got yourself a little fan here" He says, I filch at my name coming out of his mouth.

" Just know that nobody will ever love you, because you are worthless. And I took on the responsibility to show you that. It was for your own good." He says in my ear.

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