Chapter 41: Cross my heart, Hope you die

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-----Tris Pov-----

I stare at Andrews body, Tobias just beat him up. He defended me, cared for me, enough to beat up somebody that hurt me. 

I kneel on the ground, the cold from the stone seeping through my clothes and into my skin.

The flashback ends in my mind but all I can do is stare at andrews body.  Even when Tobias bends down to my level. His voice muffled, his figure blurred. I try to blink the tears from my eyes so I can see clearly but it's no use, as more tears cloud my vision.

Suddenly the figure in front of me disappears and another replaces it. I am struck in the face by something and I fall back. I am hit in the stomach and I gasp, hit once more in the face, I feel a hand on my back pull up my shirt. 

I am kicked in my back and I groan. Still dazed from my memories. I then feel a blade dig into my skin and I scream, crossing a scar and It everything becomes clear. 

I focus on the figure and andrew's face comes into line, an evil and amused smirk on his face. He punches me in the face and I scream again. Pain surging through my body.

No.No, I promised myself this would never happen again. 

I yell out of anger and sweep andrews Feet out from under him. He falls with a thud and groans. I get on top of him, Infuriated That he came to my new home and brought back all the memories I have fought so hard to forget. Infuriated that he caused me so much pain. Infuriated that he murdered my mother. 

I take every ounce of anger in my body and charge myself with it. I start to punch him.

" You murdered my mother! You beat me every goddamn day, You watched as Marcus torched me, You raped me and starved me!!!" I scream at him, saying every word with a punch.

" Then you come to my home and BRING IT ALL BACK!" I scream, getting up and kicking him in every square inch of his body. 

" I hope you drop dead" I say my voice steady and cold " If you don't, I'll kill you myself" I whisper kicking him in the head and Watch his eyes roll back into his head. 

I spin around and see Tobias standing like a statue, his eyes on mine.  Anger, proud, scared, and a terrified look in his eyes. 

Then I focus on the man in front of him.


My eyes drop down to Tobias's arm, Marcus's hand gripping his.

Tobias's worst nightmare is standing in front of him. The man I despise as much- if not more- than my father.

" Well hello Beatrice, Tobias" He says Grinning.

I don't even feel scared, but I know Tobias is terrified, I would be scared if not for my blood being replaced with fire.

" Get. Your. Hands. Off. Of him." I say My voice deadly low as I step towards him. Tobias looks at me proud and scared. I step toward him again.

" Tris, stay there" Tobias says, I ignore him. My eyes on Marcus.

I look at him with a murderous glare. He inflicted more pain on me than even Andrew did.

Because he hurt tobias, The man I love.

And told me all about the way he torched him.

" GET. Away from him" I say Stepping closer. Marcus laughs.

" So tobias, you got yourself a little fan here" Marcus says, Tobias Flinches at his name. 

" Just know that nobody will ever love you, because your worthless. And I took on the responsibility to show you that. It was for your own good" Marcus says, his hand tightening around Tobias's arm. Tobias shuts his eyes and I know That for 16 years he has been told this and now

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