Chapter 79: Realization hits home

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Heyyy Guys, sorry for not updating recently, 
I took a couple days break cause of updating 3 times in that 1 day and to be honest i was a bit stuck on what to write next and i'm so so so sorry but imma be a bit evil and leave you guys on another chilfhangger......

MUHAHAHAHAHAH IM SO EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, this chapter is a bit shorter too, sworry.........................

---------------Uriah's POV ( i needed a different Pov to show what was happening while Tris and Tobias being kidnapped) ----------------------------------------------------

The cafeteria is packed but something I walk up to the gang and see them all Sitting at our table, laughing and eating lunch.

" Hey y'all!" I yell as I plop down next to Marlene smiling.

" Hey!" They all say back, but Zeke's voice is muffled by cake stuffed into his cheeks. I look donw to his plate and see a mountain of cake on it

What no far!

" I want cake!" I yell

Zeke looks up at me " There's no more left" He mumbles gulping down his mouthful of cake.

I stare at him, blinking 

"Wait for it..." Will says

" WHAT" I explode " YOU TOOK ALL THE CAKE!??!?! HOW COULD YOU DO SUCK A THING!?!?!?!"  I scream at him " YOU-"

" Uriah?" christina inturps me 

" What?" I ask

" Where is Tris and Four? I haven't seen them since yesterday night when they left the banquet."

Thats what was wrong. I haven't seen them either. 

I sit there confused as worry creeps up on me " I haven't seen them since then either. Has anyone?" I ask

Everybody shakes there head.

" Maybe they just went for a...walk?" Will states like a question

" For entire day and night" Lynn dead pans

" Well I don't know!" Will retorts throwing his hands up in the air. 

" So..Nobody has seen Four or Tris all day" Marlene concludes, we all nod.

" We should check their apartment" I suggest

" Wait! Tris and Four were supposed to move in together today, there probably just doing that" Christina exclaims

" ohhh" 's go around the table 

Something's not right

" No, They didn't come to breakfast or dinner last night. Something's wrong guys, plus Christina Tris would have gone to the dorms to grab her things" I say serious for once.

" Lets just go check Four's apartment just to be sure" Shanna pipes up. All of us stand up and jog to their apartment.

When we reach His apartment I knock loudly but the door just.... falls open. It wasn't closed. With alarm I cautiously Walk into the Apartment and see everything is where it should be, but one thing catches my attention. 

 A laptop sits on the counter, I gasp and the girls scream when they see it, Zeke racing to get a closer look at the screen, the screen shows Four and Tris, tied to chairs. Four's back is soaked with blood, lashes and bruises covering him, he is barely alive and Tris in a bra, burns I can see threw the screen on her stomach and bruises forming on her face, she's screaming but we cant hear her.

" My god" Shanna Gasps

"What happened to them!?" christina yells

" They were kidnaped and from the looks of it torchered" Zeke growls

" Four looks half dead" Lynn says with horror in her voice, a rare thing for lynn to show any emotion to anyone.

" He could never be beaten in a fight, whoever kidnaped them must have, injected him with something, both of them" Will interjects

" We have to find them!" I yell 

" On it" Will runs to the laptop and sits on the chair at the counter furiously typing on the keyboard " I'm going to try to trace this camaras Ip address and hopefully I can find it's location" 

" How long" Christina inquires.

Wills sighs "Anywhere between a couple minutes and a week. It depends on if they encrypted or scrambled the canrams ip address or if they rerouted it, it just depends on what they did to it if anything. But if they are stupid, which leaving this computer to show us this,is, then they didn't because there stupid, But there is no way that they left it here for no reason, so chances are It will take me a couple hours" 

I groan, putting my head in my hands, this is  so so so so so bad.

" Uh guys" Will says and we all race over

" What?" Zeke snaps

" Tris just got stabbed by the abnegation leader and his co worker" Will says panicking

" WHAT?" I scream " What do you mean stabbed?"

" In the leg, Marcus Eaton just stabbed her in the leg! She was flipping out and Screaming I think and like Struggling like crazy against the restraints! He stabbed her in the side of her right thigh!" He yells 

Tris is screaming, tears running down her face, but still struggling and now Four is struggling but his back looks like it has been flayed so he can't move much, he is screaming at Marcus too.

Tris was just stabbed, and they left the knife in the side of her thigh. Four has been torchered and beaten. 

They are relying on us to save them, and we don't even know where they are.



PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE, ALSO IF YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Word count 955

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