Chapter 9: Of course...

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Im shaken out of  the darkness by......Susan? I peel my eyes open to see susan standing beside me. I look around the room I am in to find in back in my bed. What is she doing here? 

"S-susan?" I ask, my voice hoarse. 

" Beatrice!" she exclaims "oh my gosh, we were so worried when your father called me and said you were attacked!"  Wait Attacked?

"W-what ha-happened?" 

"Your father called and said you were attacked by a factionless person. He asked me to come over to help clean you up." Yeah right! Good one Andrew. 

"Anyway I should get going it's really late, I hope your better for tomorrow" The Test!!!

"What time is it?" I tilt my neck to the left, the motion only my already pounding head hurt even more.

"Easy! easy, your in bad shape. Try not to move. I said we should take you to the hospital but your father insisted you stay here." Of course he did, wouldn't want to risk them  discovering that not all my injuries are fresh. That man is a monster  " It's around 10 pm. Get some rest"

" T-thank you,"

"Of course, anytime" With that she slips out my door and goes home. I look down at myself and cringe. My clothes are blooded and tattered. Bruises cover every inch of my pale skin. I am a utter mess.

I try to sit up but fail miserably. Reluctantly, I roll to the side of my bed to my knees and stifle a scream.  My entire body hurts. I stand up and lean heavily on the wall. Slowly I make it to my dresser,  grab a set of clothes and head to the shower.


Sorry for the short chapter I am busy today! Please comment what you think so far!!!!-Emberlyn07 

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