Chapter 45: Flinch = Factionless

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------Tris's POV------

Today is the last day of stage one. Thank god.

The lights in the dorms turn on and I am blinded my white lights. I roll onto my back and I hear Christina Groan as her bed shifts above me. I sit up and see 3 quarters of the initiates have their pillows over their heads and covering their face. 

Yawning I stretch out  my arms.  We didn't get back to the compound till around 12.30 in the morning. We didn't get to bed till around 1, give or take.

Its 6.30 Am, so most of us got a 5 or so hours of sleep, maybe more, or probably less. I sigh and get up, get dresses and jog to the dinning hall to grab a muffin before training.

I walk into the training room, sluggish, my body still heavy from sleep. Half the initiates are circled around Eric.

Eric looks like his spine has been replaced with a rod and his eyes are colder than usual. Tobias enters the training room, looking as tired as we are. He has dark circles around his eyes, not noticeable unless you look at him long enough.

I, of course, Stare at him every change I get.

I spot christina With Will a few meters away and walk over to them.

" Hey" I say stopping beside her. She turns around at my voice and gives me a small smile. 

" Hey, The targets are set up for knife throwing, so Will and I figure that's what we are doing for Finally the last day of stage torture" She says exaggerating and hanging off Will.

At least it won't hurt.

 I chuckle at her and raise my eyebrows at them. Christina blushes and removes herself from Will. 

Laughing at her flushed cheeks and Will's dropped gaze  I turn to face Eric. 

I take note of the death glare Eric sends Tobias when he isn't looking as he puts out the throwing knives on a table. 

Last night's loss must have affected Eric more than he let on. Capture the flag is a matter of Pride, Pride is more important to the Dauntless than sense or logic. 

" Listen up!!!" Eric shouts, His voice cutting through the mutters of conversation like a knife.

" Grab 4 knifes, a target and start throwing." Eric says, his eyes sweeping through the crowd. Nobody moves.

" NOW!!!" He Screams at us. We all scramble to grab our daggers and I Snatch the first Four I see Walking over to the target.

We have done knife throwing once before in our training but I never used a knife so I could learn my stance.

I start off doing the same thing. Facing the target I take my first dagger and practice throwing without releasing the knife, while others hurl their knives at the board. Only 4 people have hit the board but none of them have stuck. 

" Hey guys, I think the Stiff has taken to many hits to the head. Hey Stiff remember what throwing is?" Peter jers from the end of the line.

I smirk and shake my head. I get back into my stance and hurl my knife at the board, letting it fly. There is a loud thud as the blade hits the Target and I smile.

Not just because It hit the board

But because I am the first person to have my knife stick, 

Let alone Land in the second smallest circle.

I hear whistles from the other initiates, and see Tobias smirk and hold in a laugh in my peripheral vision.

I turn to Look at peter, he stares at my target in awe and jealousy.

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