Chapter 10 :Test

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I emerge from the Simulation with a yelp.  It's been a day since the incident with my father.  My wounds are still far from healed, but the pain has faded a little. My aptitude test administrator, Tori is her name, pulls the wires from our heads and types something on her computer, facing away from me. 

" I will be right back" she says, and leaves the room. 

Today is the day of the aptitude tests. Tomorrow the choosing ceremony. I know that I have to leave my faction, my family. No there are not your family, they never have been. Your not good enough for them. A voice inside my head tells me. I know what i have to do but Where do i go? Right now the test is my answer. 

"Trust the test, the test will tell you were you belong"   my sisters words echo in my mind. We talked a lot about the test and factions when our parents weren't around. 

What is taking so long? I wipe my hands on my grey slacks to get rid of the sweat collecting in the palms of my hands.

Finally Tori comes back with a stressed expression. Did I do something wrong? No, you can't fail a test you can't study for. Can you?  Tori must have seen my discomfort and started to talk.

" Beatrice, There is a ..... complication with your test results." She starts explaining a bunch of things but the only think that i really hear is " Beatrice your test result was Abnegation, and Erudite, and Dauntless." 

"Wait what? That's impossible"  Three factions? You can't get three factions. The test pinpoints the one faction that you belong in.

" No not impossible. Just extremely rare. They call it Divergent. You can't tell Anyone not your family not your friends, nobody!" I scoff " well we don't need to worry about my family" I mutter, She must have heard because she gives me a look of confusion.

"What do you mean?" 

" It doesn't matter, Wait so you are saying that I have a equal amplitude for Three factions? What Do i do at the choosing ceremony! The test is supposed to tell us what faction to choose! The test-"

"The test didn't work on you" she interrupts my rambling.

"Beatrice you can't tell anyone , it's too dangerous. Don't ever tell anyone that your Divergent. It can get you killed" I look at her with confusion. Killed? What even is Divergent?

" okay?" she asks


" If anyone ever asks say Abnegation, because that is what I manually entered" she opens the back door and shoves me out and wishes me good luck.

I am divergent. What faction do i choose? Am i selfless? Brave? honest? Kind? or Smart?


Sorry for the bad chapter guys! I need ideas for the story!!!! Please comment!!! -Emberlyn07

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