chapter 47: Flatline

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------Fours POV----

I walk back from the control room. I couldn't sleep so I figured I would hang out there, but turns out i'm too tired to actually register what i'm seeing on the screens so Gus sent me home. 

It's around 1 in the morning so it makes sense that I feel like i'm going to pass out.  The pit is quiet and the normally dim lights are dimmed ever more due to it being nighttime hour. 

As I walk down the pit paths I hear a faint and muffled scream, not the fun or good scream but a painful and scared, scream. Normally I would think that it was just a dare gone wrong and somebody broke something but, I swear I know that voice.

I stand there for a minute before I hear a ear splitting scream of pain and terror. I dont wait a beat before I am sprinting toward the direction it came from, The Chasm.

I sprint to the hallway connecting to the chasm catwalk and see three figures surrounding a smaller figure on the ground with blonde hair as they smash her head into the ground and kick her in the stomach.

The figure coughs and one of the figures gets on top of the girl, ripping her shirt open down the middle. 

The girl screams so loud that my ears ring and I snap into action, Realizing not only that  the attackers are Peter, Al and Drew.

But that the girl is Tris.

" HEY" I shout as I sprint toward them. There heads snap to me and Drew and Al rush at me, trying to fight me.

I have them on the ground in seconds, hitting them again and again. I hear tris scream again and My eyes snap up to her and see her roll over raping her arms around her stomach to protect it from getting kicked again.

A murderous surge of emotion races through me and I sprint toward Peter who is standing over her and kicks her again in her side. She screams and her eyes focus on me for a few seconds before she looks up and grabs Peters ankle.

Just a few more meters.

She holds onto it and kicks the side of his knee making him collapse and groan in pain. 

I reach him in seconds and start to beat  him up. I throw punch after punch, my anger never fading. I am in a haze of anger and hatred and dont think, just punch and punch.

A small and weak voice I would know anywhere snaps me out of my trance.

" Four" She whispers. I stop punching peter, who is no longer even conscious and rush over to her as she slips out of consciousness. I check her pulse and see  its weak. Taking note of the continuous bleeding coming out of her mouth. I quickly pull her shirt across her chest so it will cover her again, blushing slightly.

" Crap. Crap. Crap. Okay she could have a spinal injury from having been kicked so many times, like her spine being displaced or fractured. The continuous bleeding could mean she has a perforated bowel. Her head was smashed into the goddamned ground so she may have a brain bleed" I whisper going over possible injuries.

I know a lot about medical first aid and injuries. 

" So if I move her without stabilizing her spine then there is a possibility to paralyzing her. If I don't the the possible perforated bowel will make her bleed out and die. and if She doesn't get a head CT and she does have a brain bleed then she will be dead in less than an hour, depending on the severity of the bleed " I say.

I need to think fast.

I pull my sweater off and securely wrap it around her neck, making sure not to cut off her airway and suffocate her. Then I pick her up as gently as possible and Sprint to the infirmary keeping my footsteps light so I don't move her so much.

I get there in the matter of seconds and burst through the doors.

" I NEED HELP. SHE NEEDS HELP, NOW!" I scream at the nurses. They sprint over and get a gurney, shouting orders.

" Page cardio, neuro and trauma now!" One yells

 They take her from my arms and start to insert a IV and ultrasound her stomach. 

 " She is at risk for a spinal injury, brain bleed and abdominal injuries. I tried to stabilize her spine when I got to her but I don't know what good it did." I say to the nurse closest to me.

" Four calm down, we will take care of her but we need to look her over and probably take her to surgery. Whats her name?" Asks a nurse, mya I think is her name.

" Tris Prior" I answer.

" Okay, you did great stabilizing her neck and spine, good work. I will update you when I can" She says filling out things on a clipboard.

Three doctors in dark blue scrubs come running out through the back doors. I step back and give them space to work.

" What do we got?" One of them asks.

" Dr shepard, Hunt and pierce, This is Tris Prior. 16 year old female, has massive head lack and possible brain bleed. Ultrasound confirms free fluid in the belly  and blood around the spleen. And she  has been cleared her of any C spine injuries. Thanks to Four here." Mya says as she hangs Fluids 

" Okay lets get her up to CT" Says one of them

 "No time we need to stop the internal bleeding" Says another

" Dr shepard is right we need to get a CT" 

" Dr pierce respectively, if e take her to CT she will code and die in the machine" Says Dr hunt

They start to argue and I fight the urge to cry. 

She's going to die. I'm going to lose her.  

I cant lose her.

 "Tris is stable for now so take her to CT and rule out a brain bleed!" I yell at them

They turn to me and then look at each other.

" Fine, order a CT and book an OR" Dr Hunt says and The nurses rush off.

 Mya comes over to me.

" You can't come with us, but you can wait in the waiting room. I promise I will update you when I can" She says

" I can't leave her" I say looking over her shoulder. 

"You need to-"  Mya is cut off by abrupt beeping coming from Tris monitors.

" She's Coding! I need a crash cart in her and a Intubation tray stat!" Dr pierce yells. I step out of the trauma room as Nurses rush around.

I can't lose her.

I can't lose her.

They Intubate and bag her. 

" Push one Epy, charge paddles  to 200" Dr pierce  yells.

" Charged" Says a nurse

" Clear!" Dr pierce yells

They shock her. 

" Nothing "Dr hunt says

" Charge again, 300!" 

They shock her again,  nothing.

I let the tears I was holding back go and slide down the wall.

" We have a rhythm" Dr hunt says as the beeping goes back to a steady pace.

" Okay notify the OR we are coming now-" Dr pierce is cut off.

As Tris's monitor,

Flat lines.


.....Who else wants to murder Peter with me?

Word count 1215

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