Chapter 22: Afterburn

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-----Fours POV----

My eyes leave hers and drop to her stomach. My breath hitches in my throat. Her stomach is purple, blue and yellow, covered in bruises. I spot some small burn marks on her upper rib cage, scars from cuts on her hip. 

Marcus kicked me, punched and whipped me. Once he took a knife to me, claimed the belt was treating me to kindly. But I was never burned.

" Tris" I breath out. How could they, Who ever they are, Do this to her? Im almost scared to ask her to see her back. I suck it up and whisper her to turn around, not quite able to use my full voice.  

When she turns around, memories fill my mind. I look at the diagonal lines going. Every. Single. direction, covering every inch of skin.  It looks as bad as mine, only worse with the bleeding. Her scars are fresh, maybe a day old. I grip the counter and turn around not able to see it anymore. But ashamed of the tears in my eyes. 

" Okay, Im going to deal with your stomach and then we can move on to your back" I say, my voice cracks and I pray she doesn't notice. She turns around and looks shocked when she sees me. Damn. 

" Okay" She replies, as I grab The ointment, soaking a gauze pad with the serum. 

" Whats is that" She asks beside me. It's hell, This is going to put her through hell. I clench the bottle and try to keep myself from spinning on her and finding out who did this, and leaving to kill them myself. 

" Ointment for your burns" I spit, my voice hard. I used it for my cuts, when marcus cut me with the knife, going a inch deep. It was more painful then the action that forced me to do it. 

I turn to face her holding the pad. I force myself to look at her stomach again and spot a burn just above where her shirt hangs. I hesitate but  lift up her shirt a bit more, exposing her bra band. I feel my cheeks heat up a bit but ignore it, take a deep breath and place the pad on the burn.

She let out a small scream,  dying almost as soon as its born, and grips my shoulder. I dont need to look in her eyes to know there are tears in them. I try to sooth her as best I know how.

" Its okay, your okay. Squeeze my shoulder as hard as you need" She grips harder. I hold the gauze for a few more seconds ,wanting more than anything to pull it away, then wipe the burn and take it off. When I look up at her there, as expected, are tears gathered in her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. 

"I can't do this" She says, she tries wipe her tears away but more fall.

" Hey, yes you can. Do you know how strong you are for surviving this." I whisper, she has no idea, but I do. I'm amazed by her courage and bravery; Jumping first, standing up to peter her, Calm, while doing so, fierce, determined and strong.  Anger surges through me again looking at her, she's not broken or small or weak. But she thinks she is, or else she wouldn't be doubting herself, but the person who told her that, made her believe that, and treated her like she is; is a monster.

" Thank you" I nod and grab another pad and poor the serum on to it. 

" You ready?" I ask,  even though I know she's not.

" As ready as I'll ever be" she whispers, Grabbing my shoulder. A tingling sensation shoots up my Shoulder, ignoring it I place the pad on the next burn. Her short scream percies the ear for the second time and squeezing my shoulder. 

I do this four times once on each burn. I know that there will be a bruise on my shoulder, from her squeezing- no crushing it. I don't mind considering the pain I am putting her threw. They did this to her, not you. I Remind myself.

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