chapter 81: Guilt overload

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HUGE SHOUT OUT TO Tobias_46_Tris  FOR GIVING ME A AMAZING IDEA FOR THIS CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLUS SHE IS AN AMAZING FRIEND, AUTHOR AND PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO FOLLOW HER, READ HER BOOK AND VOTE FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok guys, you guys are going to need 3 things in order to read this chapter: A box of tissues, A prepared mindset and a glasses to see through your tears cause guys PREPARE FOR THE FEELS!!!!!!!!!!  

-------------Tris's POV---------------

I jolt awake and immediately start screaming for my friends.  Anybody to get me out of this hell hole.

" TRIS WE ARE RIGHT HERE!" I hear Will scream and I stop screaming and thrashing. i open my eyes to see the whole gang around me holding my legs and arms down but let go as soon as I stop screaming. Suddenly everything comes back to me, stabbing Marcus, shooting, my friends, trying to be picked up, tobias screaming, and being picked up again by uri, and then passing out. 

" Four" I croak, my throat unbelievably dry. 

" He is sleeping, he just got out of surgery a couple hours ago but we talked to him an hour ago, got him something to eat, man can he eat fast." uri says as he hands me a cup of water with a straw.

" What? Surgery for what!" I ask alarmed and sit up, a dull ache goes through my body but not at all the pain I was expecting " and why the hell do I feel, like perfectly fine?" I question

" They gave you healing serum so your wounds are like 2 weeks old when really you have only been here for 2 days. And Four had severe internal bleeding, like he had about 30 minutes to live before he bled out but they were able to stop the bleed in surgery. He fine tris and lucky so are you" Zeke explains

I sigh of relief " How did you guys find us?" I ask 

Will speaks up " Well, they left a laptop with a screen of you guys in your apartment when we went to see why we didn't see you guys all day, so I tracked the camera's ip address to the-"

" Sanitation center under the chasm?"I interrupt, they all look confused

" How did you know?" marlene asks

" Four and I figured it out"

" Of course you guys did" Lynn smiles. I am then reminded how hungry I am by my stomach growling, the gang laughs and I smile. Thank god i'm home.

" I haven't eaten in how long?" I ask

" You were kidnaped for 3 days so 5 and 1/2 days ago" Christina says solemnly  

Nodding I ask them to get me something to eat and an update on Tobias. Uriah comes back with a huge pile of cake, 2 burgers, fries, pop and chips all for me and I eat it all while listening to them tell me about Marcus and andrew. 

" Marcus is not dead, but in a holding cell here and andrew prior is dead from a gunshot to the chest" uriah explains

I nod " Andrew dead, good. What's going to happen to Marcus" 

"We don't know yet. Nice going with that knife to the abdomen, tris. I would never have the guts to yang a frickin bone deep knife out of my leg" Lynn states. 

" I did what I had to do" I say as I look around the room it looks like a regular hospital room, identical to the one I was in a while back.

Just then a nurse comes in smiling

" Hello there Tris. You sure are a fighter. We thought we lost you for a second, you flatlined in the trauma room but we were able to get you back quite easily. i'm just going to take your vitales and then you can go see your boyfriend once I see your able to" She says kindly, I smile at the thought of seeing tobias but I'm not sure what condition I will see him in.

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