Chapter 80: Never Trust Your Enemy

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Soooooo tris has a bit- okay everybody has a bit of language in this chapter. I usually don't use any explicit language in my writing, nor do I speak it in real life but I think it is probably appropriate for the  situation Tris and tobias are in, don't you think? 

If anybody has a problem with some of the langoue please let me know and I try to keep it out of the next chapters! 

Ok, Here is chapter 80!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND OMG GUYS 15.2 K READS IS INSANE!!!!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LONGEST CHAPTER I HAVE EVER WRITTEN LIKE 6,000 WORDS PLUS!!!!!!!!!!!! omg its so freaking long i spent like 7 hours writing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

--------------------Tris's POV----------------

"What the Fuck Did you do to him!" I scream, my vision blurry but I can see the blood dripping onto the floor, his face bruised and the pained look on his face.

I stare at him, tears rolling down my cheeks,  my mouth open.

They said they wouldn't hurt him. Of course they did not stick to there word. Pain tears through my body at the sight of him.

" Tris" His voice is raspy, from screaming and I coke out a sob. How could I have not woken up sooner? How could I have not stopped them? 

" wh-at d-did they do" I choke out

"Marcus" Is all Tobias says, and I know that the blood dripping onto the floor is from the lashes and cuts etched into his back. They hurt him. They hurt him again, and I didnt stop it.

I go to speak again but Marcus emerging into the light forms a lump in my throat. 

I glare, as hard as I can, satisfied when Marcus looks at me wary but continues to come towards me.

" You should watch your language Tris, it's not appropriate for a little girl to swear" Marcus taunts and Tobias's face clenches in pain again

I laugh " You have no idea what i'm going to do to you when I get out of here" I growl, still glaring at him.

" how does it make you feel? I'm curious, to see Tobias soaked in is own blood, at my hands?" He asks, a evil grin on his face. 

I clench my jaw, biting my cheek. He doesn't seem to be happy with my lack of response and digs his fingers into Tobias's back. 

Tobias screams into his teeth, pressing away from Marcus' hand. I bit my cheek harder, It throbs, blood seeping into my mouth.

My insides feel like they are going to crawl out of my skin at his screams and my face contorts in pain with his. 

Marcus pulls his hand away and Tobias's relaxes slightly, still his muscles tense and contracted, pain evident in his eyes.

Walking over to me, Marcus holds his hand, of which is covered in tobias's blood and runs his index finger down my neck and shoulder. I shiver, disgusted to have him touching me, but even more so that tobias's blood drips down my shoulder now.

Guilt, and pain flood my body. If i didn't pass out, I could have stopped them, I could have tried at least.

" Marcus?" I ask his eyes met mine and immediately want to look away " Tell me, when I left abnegation I overheard you and Andrew talking about your new girlfriend, Sasha is it?" I ask sweetly, Marcus's eyes grow even colder than before, his body tensing.

" Do you love her? Or are you just going to use her like you did Evelyn, for your needs and as a punching bag?" I spit

" Tell me, would seeing her bleed at my hands, even bother you?" I ask, the threat in my words is there and he sure doesn't pick up on it .

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