Chapter 51: Rapid fire

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----------Tobias POV----------

I jump up from my set and lean in close to her.

" Tris!" I say my voice filled with excitement. She doesn't respond and lays still.

I am positive that she squeezed my hand. She doesn't move at all and suddenly I think of the gang.

" Tris i'm going to be right back okay, right back!" I yell as I sprint out of the room down the hospitals cordor.

It has only been a few minutes so the gang is probably only just leaving the hospital, since they have to sign out of the ICU department. 

I fly to down the hallways and see them at the nurses station signing out.

" GUYS!" I yell frantic. There heads snap to me and see me running toward them, their faces  immediately  become worried and Christina looks like she is going to burst into tears.

It dawns on me that they think i'm going to tell them that something is wrong.

Zeke and Uriah rush to me and start yelling things.

" Is she okay?!" "What happened!" "Is she Crashing?!" they ask frantic 

 " Is she dead?"  Christina asks her voice low and creaky.

" NO! she squeezed my hand!" I yell at them. They look spectacle  and confused.

Uriah raises his eyebrows and squints his eyes.

" Uhhhh Four....are you sureeeee" Uri asks look

" I am Positive" I say my voice hard and insistent.  For a few seconds it is completely silent. Then all hell breaks lose

" THEN WHY THE HELL ARE WE JUST STANDING HERE LIKE IDIOTS AND NOT GOING TO SEE OUR BEST FRIEND!!!!" Christina screams at us and we all charge through the hallways. I speed ahead and zoom into Tris room, 5055.

When I enter however she is still asleep.

" Tris" I say squeezing her hand. In that moment I feel her hand squeeze back.

" I told You!" I yell at them

They all stare with wide eyes then Christina rushes over and grabs Her other hand.

 After a few seconds Chrisna screachs and jumps up.

" She squeezed back!" She yells, Will comes over will a sad look on his face.

" Whats wrong" I ask

" She's squeezing your hand, but she is not awake and she is in a coma" He says, his eyes watery.

" So? She will wake up in a few minutes or something!" Christina says. I continue to stare at him, something's not right. 

" What is it" I say

" She's not squeezing your hands because she is waking up" 

" Then why is she doing it?" I ask

" It's called a Palmar Grasp reflex. It is a Primitive reflex and its presence in an adult is common with many causes of coma. It is usually an unfavorable sign, not a good one." He says softly.

" What?" I say

" I'm sorry Four she is not going to wake up" Will reponds softly.


What do you guys think will happen!?  Do you think Will is right or lying? 
and if he is, why? Please comment what you think!!!!!!!!!!


Word count 515

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