Chapter 31: Let the fight begin

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-----Tris's Pov-----

Today is the first day of fights, It's the Fifth day since the choosing ceremony. So far Christina has made me go shopping with her twice. She made me buy a knee length black dress with a v neck and a couple pairs of training pants and some shirts. She also lined my eyes with a black pencil. I hate shopping but I didn't mind her makeover. Didn't mind being able to stare at my reflection, To laugh and have fun. 

 The second time we went she made be go into Dauntless Secret.....Bad Idea. Very bad idea. 

Christina, Will and Al are all in the training room getting some practice in beforehand. I am just coming back from the showers. The pants I brought with me to change into dont fit, due to the fact that I am actually eating and gaining muscle now. So I am only wrapped in a towel. I hope nobody is in the dorms so they cant see me change. 

When I enter the dorms my heart sinks. Peter, molly and drew along with a few other initiates are in the back corner of the dorms, chatting and laughing. Ugh Molly has an ugly laugh. All shaking shoulders and snorting. Drew just...looks like he is in pain.  

I go over to my bunk and go into my drawer grabbing some training clothes that I can fight in. When I bend over my back lightly aches. I still have a few more pill's left in the bottle Tobias gave me. I take one every day till its empty. He also gave me a bottle of quick healing meds. So the pain is little to none. 

When I stand up and turn around I nearly run into peter. He is standing right in my way. Great. 

" Hey Stiff" He sneers, His lackeys forming a pack around him. This....isn't going to end well. 

" What do you want peter" I say my voice hard, My head held high. He will not intimidate me. I go to walk past him but he slams him hand into Christina's bunk, his arm blocking my path. I sigh slightly and turn my head to look at him taking a step back so I'm not so close to this disgusting human being.  

" Didn't realize you were so skinny stiff" He says his eyes traveling down my body. I want to move now. To get out of his sight, where he can't look at me ever again. 

"She's like a child, Skinny and weak" Molly says smirking and crossing her arms 

" Move" I say My tone deadly. My eyes flick over to molly, her stupid face covered in surprise.  Peter just stares at me.

" This isn't the hub you know, nobody has to listen to a stiffs orders here" He says his voice smug

" We than I guess we don't have a problem, considering you guys are nobody's" I pause to let it sink in "and I'm not a stiff"  I say with a sweet smile. His eyes flare with anger and he leans in slowly. At that moment I duck under his arm and Race out of the dorms.

Unfortunately A cold hand clamps onto my towel and yanks it out of my grip as I dart past. The towel falling from my body.

The room erupts  into laughter and I run faster. I am at the women's bathroom in seconds. When I get there I slam the door shut and slap my hand over my mouth to contain a sob. I shake my head and get dresses with shaking hands.

 Memories flood my head and I push them out. I will never let what Andrew did happen here. I will not ever think of what he did that day. I will never let what he did that day happen to me ever again. I stop the thoughts and flashbacks as soon as I see and hear them in my head. 

White hot anger courses through my veins. I finish getting dresses and look in the mirror. I look into my own eyes and see anger. I want to hurt them. 

So I will.

And today just so happens to be the perfect time to do so.

I pull open the bathroom door and storm out to the training room. We only have 5 minutes till training starts when I get there. I pace the training room waiting for Tobias to come and pair up the fights. We have done shooting and practiced punches, kicks and fighting techniques. We will be switching between shooting, knife throwing, and fighting through out stage one. So we still have to cover knife throwing and then we will do that in part of the rotation.  

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