Chapter 48: Please!

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------Tris's POV-----

" She is in critical but stable condition in a coma. We don't know when she will wake up, if at all. Four her body has had extensive trauma and her brain was deprived of oxygen for 55 minutes while she flatlined. We just don't know what we are look at until she wakes up"  A feminine voice says

I lay there confused and try to move but my body, is frozen. I feel a hand squeeze mine and drops of water landing on my arm.

" Okay" His voice is shaky and hoarse.


Is he crying?

My mind races as I process what that voice said.

" Extensive trainma and her brain was deprived of oxygen for 55 min while she flatlined"

I was down for 55 minutes.

" We don't know when she will wake up, if at all"

I will. I will come back, for Tobias. 

I push myself to open my eyes or move my finger.


" Four, she we noticed a few things that were a bit disturbing" The nurse, I assume, says.

" What?" Tobias chokes out, squeezing my hand harder.

" Well, we know that she is an initiate. By the way, we have called her friends, they are in the waiting room. And notified the dauntless leadership that she was attacked by you said three fellow initaties, and they have put stage 2 of training on hold until she is able to participate." 

" Thanks" Tobias responds

" Anyway, We found scars on her back, healing burn wounds, and extreme bruising-" 

" She is an initiate as you said, they are all bruised and cut" Tobias snaps at her.

I feel bad for the nurse, she is just trying to help. But he is trying to protect me and he isn't exactly calm with me in a coma right now.

" Ok. Um Four we have to ask you so questions about Tris's health care wishes, We don't know what she would have wanted-"

" Stop talking about her as if she is already gone!" Tobias snaps as I feel more tears drop onto my arm and I feel as if somebody just grabbed my heart and squeezed it.

" I'm sorry. I'll leave you guys alone. Call us if you need anything" I hear footsteps going the other direction and a  door close.

That's when a series of sobs fill the room.

" Tris. Tris! you need to wake up okay. Please just wake up. I need you, I love you Tris." he says

"Tobias, I'm right here" I say, but I don't hear my voice. and neither does he. 

I yell in frustration and will my body to move but I'm frozen, stuck.

He is sobbing now, his body shaking as he wraps me in his arms. I immediately feel safer in his arms.

" Tris, please" He says and he shakes me. 

I hear him groan in pain and sadness when I cant move.

"IM HERE, TOBIAS, IM HERE!" I scream, He continues to shake me and cry.

" FOR GOD'S SAKE TRIS, WAKE UP!" He screams 

My heart feels like it was ripped out of my chest.

I'm right here

Except i'm not with him

I don't want to be here without him

Because I need him more than he thinks

and I never got to tell him

That in the little time of a month

He changed me and my life

and the way I think of myself and life

But most importantly

He changed my story, and the way I tell it.


OMG THIS IS SO SAD!!! I literally was tearing up writing this, I'm sorry guys but I promise she would get hurt so much after initiation. Please comment, VOTE and suggest!!! thank you all. love you guys!!!!

Please read***It is important that you guys know that the reason She is getting so hurt and  there is crappy people like Andrew, and peter is because,  that's what makes her so strong. I know from personal experience about this, that all this is what makes Tris so strong, brave and determined. And gives her the really great comebacks thats she always has up her sleeve. All the hurt and pain that has been inflicted on her, has giving her Grit and bravery, plus she's Tris prior and she's Divergent.  *****


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