Chapter 38: Visiting day

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Hey guys I would like to acknowledge a group of readers





For commenting, encouraging me to keep writing, suggesting ideas for the story and for Voting for the chapters they particularly like! It is important to me to know that they know that there words of encouragement, suggestions and votes have made  HUGE difference in how fast I update, how motivated I am to keep writing and how I think of this book and its readers! Thank you all so much, It is so much more than appreciated. Stay brave, safe and Divergent!!!


----Times lapse to Visiting day------

---Tris POV-----

Visiting day.

Todays visiting day I think as I roll onto my back and stare into the dark. We have 4 days until the end of stage one and so far I have fought Molly, Peter, myra, Al and won aside from when I fought Will the day after I fought Al and Was too well- injured- to fight properly. Al is slow and powerful but I got up everytime He thought I was done, and I ended up wearing him out and winning. Will and I's fight went for 45 minutes according to Christina.

I got quite a lot of good hits in but Will had me when he knocked me out with a punch to the temple when I slipped out of his headlock. Yeah I was unconscious till the next morning when training as in 20 minutes. Christina gave me updates on what happened and on how Will felt horrible because the stupid nurses said it could actually be weeks before I woke up due to the power of the hit.

I woke up in a day so all was good. Aside from another concussion from when I hit my head on the floor when I crumpled like a rag doll. 

I sit up in my bed and put my head in my hands, trying to push all the emotions out of my head.

Todays Visiting day. When families come together and catch up, hang out and have fun.

Well my family is either dead or a monster.

I push my head into my hands harder, my eyes shut but somehow tears still escape my eyes.

No. Enough.

Enough tears and weakness. I'm done with tears and crying and sitting around.

I push myself of my bed and get dresses in the dark, slipping  on black skinny jeans, a wool v neck long sleeve shirt that show off my ravens. Pulling my hair up into a high bun I grab my combat bots and put them on as I walk out the door heading to the pit. When I reach the end of the hall I see the dorms lights go on and hear shuffling. I glance up at the clock embedded in the stone wall and it reads 7:00 am. The alarm must off gone of in the dorms. I continue my journey to the pit, walking surefooted now, no longer searching for light to guide me.

I rom the pit looking into the stores as I pass them when something catches my eye. I recognize the object as a guitar, something my mother hand hidden in a locked case, with a small dauntless seal on the front.

I gape at the guitar an exact match to my mothers. I think back to my mother, how she always had a fire no other abnegation had, how she would light up just a little bit  every time she saw a dauntless. How she kept that guitar a secret and only took it out when Andrew was gone for the day. 

She would sing to me, one song. That I know by heart with that guitar. I go into the store at grab it off the rack and grab it's case, go to the register and purchase it. 

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