Chapter 49: Drowning

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Hey guys! Thank you all so much for 2.6 K Reads!!!!!!!!!!!! I really do appreciate it So much! Here is chapter 49, hope you guys like it!!!! Oh and please comment who you think the next chapters POV should be! Love you guys, Stay brave, safe and Divergent!

- Emberlyn07


-----Tobias's POV-----

I sit by her bed, holding her hand, praying that she will wake up. That she will come back to me.

" Hey man"  A muffled voice says. A vagile feel a hand drop onto my shoulder but I don't look away from Tris.

It's like the whole word is in slow motion and fuzzy. I know somebody is there, I hear there voice but its muffled, like I'm under water and just can't breach the surface.

Tris was like coming up for air, like she pulled me out of the water. Without her I'm drowning.

God I love her.

" Four?" A feminine voice says, Christina, Tris's candor friend.

" How is she doing?" Chris asks

" No change" I whisper squeezing her hand, like if I squeeze it hard enough I'll send life back into her.

It's been 5 days since I was pulled out of here by security. They let me back in after I calmed down, I haven't left her side for more than a couple minutes to go to the bathroom. 

Her face is pale, her hands cool, her hair dull. 

Tears prick my eyes.

If I had gotten there sooner, run faster, or gone to her  when I heard the first scream. I could have saved her.

" This is my fault" I mutter

" What? How is this your fault four? You didn't hurt her." Christina speaks up

" Yes! I did, If I had Gone when I first heard the muffled scream, or not frozen when I saw them, or run faster then-"

" If you hadn't gone at all she would be dead! people scream all the time from breaking a leg or screaming from being surprised, you couldn't have known until you heard her voice!" uri yells at me. 

I didn't know that Uri could be so serious but right now I feel like I am looking at somebody else.

" You saved her life! If you hadn't been there then they would have used her and then thrown her into the chasm for all we know." Uri says lower his voice a little.

I let the tears I was holding back go and take a deep breath, clear my throat and wipe the tears wetting my checks away.

" She will wake up" I say

" She's Tris" Christina says " This girl is the strongest, sassies,awesome,and stubborn person I know"Christina pauses" she doesn't take crap from anyone, always has the best comebacks. There is no way in hell that Tris will let those bastards win" Christina says through tears, squeezing Tris's other hand. 

" Of course she will wake up" She finishes.

Christina, Will, Uri, Zeke, Marlene, Shanna even Lynn come here everyday to visit.  They bring me food, since I never leave but I rarely eat it, even dauntless cake. They all know about me and Tris, I told them a couple days ago cause I thought they should know. They all promised not to say anything and of course Uri and Zeke freaked out.

I nod and look at the clock, 5:52 Pm

" You guys should go to dinner" 

 "Do you want something four" Shanna asks

" No, I'm not hungry" 

She sighs but nods and they file out, except christina.

" Four, Tris told me about you tw a while ago" my head snaps up at her.

" I shipped Foutris from the beginning so I wasn't that surprised when she told me"she says laughing lightly" I just want you to remember, even though she hasn't told me, though I'm sure she has told you. She loves you. I can tell by the way she looks at you, how her eyes light up when she hears your name, or talks about you. That's how I know that she will wake up, for you" She says, tears cascading down her cheeks and stands up. I smile slightly at the thought but it doesn't stop the tears gathering in my eyes.

" Thank you" I whisper and squeeze Tris's hand. She nods and walks past me, leaving her room and going to dinner.

They cant come back till tomorrow cause of visiting hours only one of us is able to stay all night since its The ICU, They all agreed that I should be the one to stay when they found out about  "Foutris". There reaction was priceless.

They were all silent and then all screamed " Fourtris" At the top of their lungs. I found out that that was our ship name. It was really funny actually.

" I love you" I whisper to Tris and kiss her check, still squeezing her hand.

" I need you to wake up, I love you and I need you. Tris your like coming up for fresh air, you pulled me out of the water. Without you I'm drowning. Please, Wake up,I love you" I say After a minute I sigh and sit back down again.

I haven't stopped holding her hand since She's been in a coma, But this is the first time

She squeezed back.


ooooooooooooooooooooh CLIFHANGER

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Word count 918

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