Chapter 6: Darkness

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    I went to see Susan today. I got home and he wasn't back from work yet so I had a shower and ate dinner since he was obviously not going to be home anytime soon.

    Susan and I cut each others hair again and a little talk about some volunteering projects and opportunities.  Though she doesn't  know that I am researching and learning about other factions so that i can pick on and know exactly what i'm getting into when I choose to leave, if I do...

   I decide to do more researching since my dad isnt home but when I go to grab my books behind my desk they aren't there-CRASH! "Dad?" CRASH! "DAD?!" I hear a series of crashes. What was that? I walk out of my room and find my father standing over his desk. Papers and office supplies cover the floor. "Dad what's going on, is everything okay?"  he turns to face me his face and body infused with anger. Why did I ask that- obviously everything is not okay. 

"What is this, And what are you doing" he pronouns each word slowly.

"What is what?I haven't done anything?!" I retort. Now that was a mistake...

" Don't you dare talk to me like that!" he spits his words like venom. 

 I try I apologize and make sure he does not get angrier" I'm sorry,  I don't know what your talking about" 

 At that, he yells "I did not raise you to lie!!!"  He comes toward me with deadly force. I quickly walk backward, keeping my eyes on his the whole time. In the process of backing up, I run into the hallway wall and am now trapped. He stands not 1 foot away from me. He stares into my eyes and says " Why do you have books in between your desk" What?  I spot my books scattered around the room. That's what the crashes were! How did he find them? He would have had to go threw my hold room. Unless somebody he saw me put them there...No that's impossible I only look at them when he's gone.

   I just stare at him searching his eyes for an answer. Why did he go threw my things? 

"I-i um-m Th-there for school" ....Please buy it....

" Really then why were they stuck in between your desk" his voice is monotone, his facial expression unfeeling.  Im at a utter lost for words. I am lost in the thought when something hard hits my face. "Ah" My cheek stings from the impact of his knuckles. He slapped me.  

" WHY WERE YOU READING ABOUT OTHER FACTIONS" he spits the words at me. What am I going to do? What do I say?

" I Wa-was just doi-doing some reading I-I was curious"  I  stutter trying to come up with a excuse. 

" CURIOSITY IS FOR THE ERUDITE, YOU FACTION TRASH!" At that, his face contorted with anger and he hits me in the ribs, the face, the stomach, my jaw, my nose, my side. He holds me against the wall by my hair. Blood streaming out of my body I scream and cry out in pain and then,


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