Chapter 16!: In awe

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2 chapter in one night! YAY, Hope you like the book so far, Please comment and vote! Fours pov this chapter!!!!!


----Four's pov---

I wait at the bottom of the net for the first jumper. 

" Bet it's one of my Dauntless-borns" Says Lauren, another initiation instructor, she got Dauntless-borns, like last year. 

" It's always  a dauntless-born. No bet" I say looking back at her. They have an unfair advantage. They often know what's at the bottom of the jump. We try to keep it a secret but the dauntless are noisy and like to explore the compound. I look up threw the hole in the ceiling but all I see is the blinding bright blue sky staring back at me. I shift my arm so I can see my dauntless-black watch. 10:46 Am (A/n I couldn't help it guys!) Should be any second now. 

Just then a gray streak, not a black one like I was expecting comes tumbling out of the sky, And hits the net hard. The girl starts to- laugh. 

I stare in disbelief, shocked by the color clothes she wears. I pull myself together and put my hands out for her to grab. She sees my hands and climbs over to me, grabs my hands and I pull her out.

She's from Abnegation. Her frame is small, fragile, But her piercing bright blue eyes are lit with a fierce and determined fire. She wears a smile. 

" Thank you" She says. She looks as if the impact of the net should have shattered her, but her voice is steady, strong. I pull my hand out of hers and nod, still shocked. I was the first Abnegation-Dauntless transfer ever, she's the second. I feel a prick of panic, What if she recognizes me? No, impossible I look nothing like I was Two years ago.

" A Stiff, The first to jump, unheard of" Lauren says behind me with more Dauntless swagger than usual. 

" There's a reason she left them lauren" I respond looking over my shoulder not quite able to take my eyes of the girl. 

"What's your name?" I ask, She opens her mouth to respond but hesitates. 

" Is it a hard one?" I ask, wondering why she hasn't answered. And I feel like I know her, not from when I was Abnegation but searching for  a name and finding one that you aren't satisfied with. 

" You can pick a new one if you want but make it good, you don't get to pick again" I add smiling a little.

She goes to speak again.

" Tris" She replies confidently. 

"  Tris, Make the announcement Four" Lauren says behind me.  Shes my initiate after all, this abnegation transfer.

" First Jumper- Tris" I yell to the Dauntless surrounding us. This way they will remember her not for the gray she wears but or her first act of bravery. Everybody cheers, claps and shouts, noise filling the cavern as another transfer, Black and white clothed, plummets into the net with a blood-curdling scream. Lauren reaches across to help her out. 

I touch my hand to the small of her back, She flinches and I eye her curiously.  Before she takes her first step I say,

" Welcome to Dauntless"

She, this abnegation transfer, Jumped first.

 Even I didn't jump first.


Hey so I know this is how they met in the book but i really liked how they met in the book so i decided to keep it the same. Please comment if you want me to do this chapter in Tris pov!

Thank you - Emberlyn07

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