Chapter 8: Pain

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     Pain. Its all I feel, my head is pounding, my body feels like it's on fire. I feel the weight on my body on my arm, bent beneath me? After what feels like hours I find the courage to peel my eyelids open. I expect to see the hospital room, the one I was just in but, no I am in a hallway. Realization hits me like brick. The hallway. The one in side my house. More like prison.  No. No. NO. It was a dream, no Fantasy, I will never get away from him will I? I attempt to sit up but fail miserably. My entire body feels like it's on fire and my head feels like it was just slammed into a fright train. 

I moan I pain, then slowly pull my upper half of my body a few inches of the ground, as I do I hiss in pain while I pull my arm out from underneath me. I'm insane but i need help so i do the stupidest thing i could do. I called out to the monster for help.

"Dad?" Silence

" DAD" I am the stupidest person on the-

"BEATRICE" he screams I am a fool. I thought he would help me? He will probably go in for round 2 at this point- wait today, is choosing day, if is indeed day time or has it only been a few minutes since he knocked me out. Well I will find out soon enough. Lying there on my side, blood all over my clothes, I hear heavy footsteps coming down the hall and a blurry face- with a furious expression... okay maybe I wont find out. Because I'll be dead. Fuzzy blue eyes come into focus above me just to be consumed in darkness, when I  pass out like a light turning off.  

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