Chapter 15!: Prove em wrong

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Hey everybody thank you so much for commenting, voting and Reading, You all have no idea how much it all means to me. Love you guys! BTW This song is amazing please listen to, i recommend any Lindsey Stirling songs. Here is chapter 15!!!


I walk to the ledge, my head held high. The dauntless borns and transfers cleared the path so all I see before me is Eric and the ledge of the roof. 

When I am about a foot away Eric hops down and steps aside, gesturing to the ledge. I feel my stomach squeeze, as i lean forward, still grounded, and look down the side of the building. It a straight drop down..... Seven stories.... with a hole in the middle. I look back at Eric and he gives me a straight look, then his lips curl into a grin, pulling his very many piercings apart from the skin making the hole visible. 

I look back down the building and take a step back. Close my eyes and picture me falling into the hole in the concrete. The image makes my stomach turn. I picture my blood sizzling on the Dauntless coals. I smile. I am Dauntless, I am brave. 

I open my eyes and look out at the sky, Removing my Abnegation jacket and throwing it to ground with force. I look behind me at the people surrounding me. They gape at me like Im, insane including christina, while some smirk at me, Peter included. They think im not going to jump. I grin at the group smirking at me, look at peter directly and hop up on the ledge. 

I forget the dauntless eyes drilling holes in the back of my head. Erics cold eyes. My family. The Abnegation's mutters and gasps as my blood sizzles on the coals. The pain in my back. I let the world melt around me as I stare out to the sky. 

I pull my arms out to the side, take a deep breath as I pray  that something with catch my when I reach the bottom of the building.

Then as I let myself tip forward, I jump and fall.

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