Chapter 24: Dread

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------Tris's POV------

Im awaken out of a deep sleep with shuffling and Someone shaking my shoulder. I reluctantly peel my eyes open and see black cloth underneath my cheek. I lay on my stomach, not allowing my back to touch anything. I turn my head to the side and see the hand that was shaking me, is attached to Christina. 

" Hey, We gotta get ready. It's 6:30 and I figured we should hit the showers before the others" She says her voice low, so she doesn't wake the others. I nod and sit up, stifling a groan. My eyes watery, I wince and hold my stomach. It feels better than it did yesterday, but the pain meds Four gave me for my back are out of my system now. No Longer holding the pain at bay. 

" Hey are you okay?" Christina whispers concerned.

"Not now" I respond, She continues to look at me like im a line of code she needs to decrypt, but nods and backs away, getting ready. 

We head to the Bathrooms together and  shower, Christina putting on her makeup while I change. She tried to make me wear some too but I refused. 

I wear a crew neck t shirt, jogging pants and  sneakers, all black of course. Then pulling my hair into  a high ponytail, leave the bathroom with Christina. We walk the halls of the compound, still searching for light but eventually make it to the training room, ten minutes early. We push the doors open and Are hit with the smell of dust, sweat and effort. There are arenas for what I would assume are set up for sparring to our left. Targets in the front and punching bags  to our right. After a few minutes the rest of the initiates file in, Four entering a minute after. With that the first day of training begins,

And I'm dreading it. 


Sorry its short, i'm a little stuck right now! suggestions would really help so please comment!!!! thank you! Stay brave


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