Chapter 46!!!: Chasm

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Hey guys, here is chapter 46! Hope you like it, Please comment what you think!!! Thanks guys, love you all!!!!!!!!!

-------------------Tris POV----------------

I Thrash

I scream

I struggle

I can't get out of their grip. They mask my screams. They have me blindfolded.

I'm screwed. 

If somebody doesn't magically appear, than I am stuck. 

What if they kill me?

The thought makes me thrash harder and scream bloody murder.

" Shut her up!" A male voice says.

I freeze. I know that voice, I would know it anywhere. Its clearer and higher pitched than the averaged male.


Hot anger courses through me but is diminished by fear. Peter hates- no despises me, there is no way that he would kidnap me and not kill me. 

I hear crashing and the sound of water.  Then suddenly I am shoved into a thin metal bar.

The chasm.... and the chasm railing.

The railing keeping us from failing into the chasm and to our death.

There are going to throw me in the chasm.

I Panic even more than before and tears cluster in my eyes. 

It's then that a hand drops onto my chest and I scream harder to the point that my throat is raw.

" Hey guys I think I feel something!" Peter says as I feel a hand squeeze me. The hand covering my mouth disappears.

" Hey stop that" A voice says............ Al,

That's Al's voice.

My stomach drops and I scream, now that there is no hand on my mouth to mask my screams They are high pitched and almost make my ears bleed.

A fist strikes me in the face and I am thrown to the stone ground. Wind knocked out of me I gasp and drag my hand up to my head to take the blindfold off.

A foot is driven into my stomach and I cough as I drag my hand down the back of my head, taking the blindfold with it. 

I look up to see peter, al and Drew standing before me, just then My head is slammed into the ground and everything goes blurry and white heat spreads through my head. 

I groan and am kicked in the stomach. I cough and feel a liquid excape my lips as A large and heavy object bares down on me.

Looking up I see Peter's face above me.

He's sitting on top of me.

The next thing I know My shirt is ripped down the middle and A hand glides over my chest and torso. 

I take all the energy I have left and scream as loud as my lungs will allow.

" HEY!" I hear somebody shout, there voice deep and dangerous.  

I am too dizzy to identify their voice or what is going on around me. All I hear are groans, kicks and thumps. I spot a face down the hall, the figure fights two other people, I assume are drew and Al and they are on the ground in seconds being hit repeatedly with relentless force.

The weight is then gone from my chest but I am kicked I the stomach harder than before and I scream again, rolling over to protect my side. 

I see the figures head snap up and I see blurry dark blue eyes and a furious/murderous glare etched on their features as they sprint toward me, their blurry eyes focused, not on me, but something above me.

I am kicked in the side again and I scream. My vision focuses for a few seconds and I see Tobias's face come into view behind my attacker. I look up and see peter's face, look down at his legs and grab his ankle that I twisted in our fight not to long ago.

Once I have hold of It I kick the side of his knee, putting him on the ground so that Tobias can plummle him- or do whatever he is going to do.

I lay there limp, black edges clouding more than half my vision now. Pain engulfing my body

I see two figures a few feet away and multiple groans, thumps, and screams before I weakly say

" Four" Remembering to use his nickname as I slip out of consciousness and see his head lift, snapping out of his trace.

The last thing I see are Two beautiful dark blue orbs in front of me and being lifted  off the cool ground into two strong arms.


Sorry its short! I hope you guys like it! Love you all! #Fourtris #CLIFFHANGER!!! 

Hehehehe ahhhh Cliffhangers are so fun to write.....

Word count 734

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