Chapter 28: Confirmed

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------Tris's Pov-----

I slowly piece together everything and come to a conclusion, and I wish like hell that I didn't.

He was abused too.

The second my fingers touched his skin on his back I felt the scars.  It could have been from something else do to the fact that it was a cluster of them and it was at the bottom of his back. But I knew better. When he jumped up the second my fingertips brushed over them, it confirmed it. I spook all my thoughts out loud, piecing it together. He said nothing. He didn't move.  He just stared at me, fear evident in his eyes.  When I finished speaking we both just,

Stared into each others eyes.

 In complete  silence. 

Until he broke it.

" Met me at the Chasm at 11 tonight. Don't tell anyone where you're going and be discreet" He said his voice low. 

I nod, a give him the smallest smile. He doesn't return it and walks over to me and helps me lay down again. He holds my wrists down and I give him a confused look.

" When you look down at your right hand don't freak out." He says, still gripping my wrists. I switch my glance from him to my hand and I start to struggle to take out the tube in my hand. I start to hyperventilate.

"Tris! It's just an IV, it is giving you medicine." 

I don't look at him just at the tube in my hand. 

" Tris look at me" I force myself to look at him and Into his deep blue eyes.

" Your okay. The IV is helping you, its okay. You can trust me" His voice is soft, as are his eyes. I stop struggling against his grip and try my hardest to relax. He lets go of my arms, still looking in my eyes. 

" Andrew prior" He says my eyes widen. How does he know andrew last name. " You were screaming for him to stop earlier when you first saw the IV. It was like you were having a flashback or something" He says his voice soft. 

I respond in a low voice " He use to run tests on me, stick needles in my arms. I don't know what for but He did it all the time" My voice cracks at the end. I watch fours face harden. 

" What time is it? don't we have training?"I ask trying to change the subject.

" I cancelled it and tomorrow is a day off so you can rest" 

I nod and close my eyes. My back is numb, so I don't feel any pain. 

"You can stay here for a bit but I think Christina Is going to be looking for you" 

" No It's okay, I'll go now" 

I stand up with his help and walk over to the door, he speaks from behind me.

" 11 o'clock tonight at the chasm, don't forget" 

" I won't" I pause   Looking over my shoulder at him and smile. " Bye four"

" Do me a favor and Don't call me that" He says a small smile on his lips.

" What should I call you then" 

"Nothing, yet" 






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