Chapter 1: Unwelcome

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 I wake up to a loud beeping. I look over and see that it is my alarm clock. It is a simple gray clock with red bold letters.  I look around to find myself in  my bedroom. How did I get here? The last thing I remember is running in a forest? Why was I running? What's going on? I here my door  open and sit up in my bed. My father walks in and I hunch over and avoid eye contact. My fathers name is Andrew, he and I are the only people left in our family now. My father has had a series of bad nights ever since my sister died from leukemia at the age of 10. I know his hands that strike me better than I do his embrace or love. My Father is a council member and leader of Abnegation: The selfless, my faction.

" Good morning Beatrice" he says

" Hi dad" I whisper, still looking down at my Pajamas " What's going on?" I ask

" What do you mean"  he looks confused

" How did I get here... what was I running from" Finally looking up at him.

" You must have had a Dream, honey" I hate it when he calls me honey, or acts like he cares about me, like I am not scared to death of him. Like we are just a normal happy family. 

" Anyway get dressed you have a test today" he says and slips out the door closing it behind him. I sigh and get out of bed. I swear it was not a dream it felt so real. I guess it makes sense, I can't remember what happened so I decided to let it go. I walk over to my plain gray dresser and open the top to grab a pair of clothes. I wear a baggy gray tee shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants. My father being the leader of the abnegation leaves before I do to go to work, while I get ready for school. My faction only allows me to wear gray along with a simple and neat hairstyle, a bun. Our Faction Values  Selflessness. As every one of the five faction values something. Abnegation wears only gray, we have simple hairstyles, baggy clothes and identical houses and streets, they say it's to help us forget ourselves, to only help others, always put others before ourselves, to never look to long in the mirror. Our faction rejects vanity and all things that  a want not a need

 My hands shake as I try to pull on my tee shirt my jaw aches and when I look in the mirror I see a dark blue bruise on my jawline. From last week, when I lied about going to sleep on time, at nine. I stayed up to read but because it was not a study book it was not allowed. My faction does not allow me to read books that are for my own enjoyment only study books. It is self serving therefore selfish. My father therefore took into his own hands, literally, to make sure I realized what I did wrong. Why he hates me so much I do not know. But sometimes he is kind loving and acts like a real dad does. Though not often.

    I know I am not welcome in this house. He has never said that but the scars on my back are proof enough for me...  I see it all over his face, when he hits me he says he is just disciplining me. I wasn't aware that "disciplining" meant carving strips into my back with a belt or  punching me or kicking me. Apparently my father was no nicer to me than he was to my mom. I need to escape him, And the only way to do that is in a few weeks, at the choosing ceremony. I hate this house it is full of memory's of sobbing and screaming. I hate it here. I have no choice but wait till i'm sixteen when I get to chose weather I stay in my faction or transfer to one of the others. The problem is I have no idea what faction I belong in. The test will tell me, the day before the choosing ceremony, Iand every other 16 year old will take a amplitude test to tell them witch of the five factions we belong in. I don't know what I will do. I don't want to leave but I feel like I have to. 

I push the thought from my head and leave my room. Since my faction does not allow make up as it is self serving, I have know way of covering the bruise on my jawline. Andrew often tries not to hit my face as he knows a mark will show but usually  he doesn't care, and hits my jaw so that I can give the excuse of falling and hitting my chin if somebody asks. Though nobody would in abnegation, curiosity is forbidden.


 Hi guys, this is my first chapter of Unwelcome a Divergent Fanfiction! I hope you guys like it! let me know this is the first book I have ever written!!!!

891 words 

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