Chapter 5: Worried?

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" AHHHHH" I scream and jolt out of bed. Bed. that's where I am. I look around I am in my bedroom and in my PJ's. Nightmare, another nightmare.  I hear my door open and I stare into the darkness.

" Beatrice, are you okay " a heavy voice says. I am so confused, my father. That's my father's voice. He never comes in when I have a nightmare. Did I really scream that loudly? I must have if he came.

"Um, yeah "I ask, not sure what version of my father I will encounter. 

" Are you Sure, I heard a scream"  He seems almost, Worried. I was beginning to believe that he didn't have the capacity to feel that way for me.

" Yeah, I just saw a ... bug" I lie. I can't tell him I have nightmares. Even though he probably already knows.

" Really, so are you telling me that you were up till what umm 1 In the morning " he says his worried tone replaced with anger. 

" No... a bug landed on my face when I was sleeping and woke me up" Please buy it. Please buy it. He won't buy it. There's no way. I am going to be in so much trouble. This will not end well for me.

" Okay, Sleep well " he says and exits my room closing my door behind him. What? did he just say "okay"!?! "sleep well"!?! I just sit there in my bed, dumbfounded. He has never come in when I had a nightmare or screamed. He has never not realized I was lying and not punished me for it. He has never said, Sleep Well to me. Something is not right. I can feel it. I am so shocked that I just lie back down and let my thoughts consume me. And soon sleep does too. 


Sorry for this it is kind of just a filler chapter.  Hope you like the book so far!!!!!-Emberlyn07 

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