Chapter 44: Amazing

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Hey guys, Im so sorry I haven't updated. Thank you so much for being so patient with me! I really appreciate all the votes, support and comments! This chapter takes place after the initiates, eric and tobias all go on there " Field Trip". Please continue to vote, suggest and comment, Thank you guys. Love you!!!


Oh my god. That was awesome! We burst through the  Door's entering the compound again. We just got back from our paintball battle, We won.  We destroyed Eric's team.

Tobias and I climbed the ferris wheel to find the other team, I also found out about his fear of heights.

Christina, Uriah, Tobias and I sniped out the initiates guarding their flag.  Me and Tobias were in the trees and Christina and Uriah grabed the flag once they took out the guards we couldn't see. 

It was Amazing.

Expeccially when we got to plummet peter, drew and molly with paintballs. There clothes are more pink, blue and yellow than black. 

Uriah decided to shoot us with paintballs in the train but the second time he when to pull the trigger the paintball cam out the wrong angle and sprayed in his mouth.

Turns out the smell of fish oil is disgusting. I can only imagine what it would taste like.

Christina runs up to me and links arms, laughing lightly.

 "Hey! Oh my god that was so cool! The way you and Four took out those guards! It was like you guys are meant to be- like- I don't even know- It was like you guys were reading each others freaking minds!!!!! You guys knew exactly what the other was going to do and who they were going to go after!!!!!!" She exclaims, I look over at her, Her face covered in astonishment and amazement. 

I break out laughing at her expression.

" Tris, You guys even climbed a freaking Ferris Wheel!!!" She screams, Jumping up and down. I laugh so hard I slide down onto the cold floor, as The others walk past, hanging off each other, giggling. Christina plops down beside me laughs with me as Will and Al appear in front of us.

They Stare at us like we are Crazy and then look at each other, switching in between us.

They look at us and lean in and start to whisper, Still loud enough that we can hear them.

" So....Are they like having a laugh attack?" Al whispers, This makes Christina and I laugh harder. I hold my stomach It hurts so much and double over, resting my forehead on the ground.

" I don't know......maybe we Should  like do the heimlich maneuver, and that will interrupt the pattern of their diaphragm, therefore stopping there laughing attacks..."   Will whispers back.

 I lift my head and Look at Christina, our laughs halted. We look at each other and then at Will and al, a look of confusion, creeped out, and acussion on there face. 

We both break out laughing again and I stand up, almost Falling over again but manage to stand with the help of a hand on my arm, steading me. 

Will removes his hand once I manage to stand up straight and he helps Christina get up. 

Together we walk to the dorms, Christina and I continuing to giggle lightly. We all get changed and settle down, climbing in bed.

I snuggle into the covers and my pillow and think back to everything that happened tonight. When Tobias's hand clamped around my hip, stopping me from falling to my death, restoring my balance on the ferris wheel. When we were entangled in the scaffolding, his face inches away from mine.  When He choose me first in the Train. When he clasped hands with me at the end of the game, While everybody congratulated Uriah and Christina, So nobody would see.

I picture his face, and beautiful deep blue eyes.

Falling asleep while a smile on my face.


Okay so I know Its short but The next chapter.....Well Let me say it will be a good one.......

Hehehehe And you'll have to wait for it!!!

 Next update will be sometime next week, Maybe this weekend if you guys are lucky. Grade 8 Final exams for math are in two weeks so I am piled in home work and review but I will Try to update as soon as possible! Thanks guys! Love you!

Word count 720

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