Chapter 76: "Me"

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Sorry for the wait guys, I know I haven't updated in like a week and a half but I've been busy with school and then the gym and just haven't gotten around to it. That said, I hope this long chapter makes up for it? Only there might be a bit of a...lets say one hell of a cliffhanger. 

I have been planning this part of the book, since i started it soooo It should be gooood!!!!!! Tho it will end on one hell of a chilfhangger and i'll need you guys to comment and tell me what to do about what's going to happen.

Hehehehehe I'm serious guys, this is going to be one of the best chapters yet in my opinion, but in order to write the next chapter i need you guys to comment and answer the question at the end of the chapter!!!!!

------------------------------Tris' POV-----------------------------

The banging of metal on metal doesn't surprise me, nor does it shock me out of  sleep. Unfortunately the other initiatives that have been asleep, didn't have the advantage of already being awake.

A small scream comes from the other side of the room, As they are jolted out of sleep by the obnoxious noise. 

I came into the dorms a couple minutes ago, I made sure to take off my jacket and shoes, so nobody would be suspicious. Sitting up, I look around to see Tobias holding a short metal pole. That must have been the noise. 

I catch his glance and have to force the smile of my face, he seems to have no problem keeping his face straight but his eyes glow when they touch mine. But he is forced to look elsewhere as the other initiates come to look at him.

" Everybody has now completed the fear landscape portion of initiation!" He yells, his voice booming in the cavern. I smile, knowing that the metal torcher is finally over. " But you all still need to take the final test, where you will go through all of your fears in front of the leaders"

Well crap.

" Once everybody, dauntless born included, Has completed the test the dauntless leaders will decide the ranking of all initiates and there will be a banquet 2 hours after where you will find out your rank and will officially become a dauntless member. For those of you that are cut, you will leave the compound immediately." He states.

Looking around, I see all of the initiates either have smug looks on their faces, sure they made it, or are scared, afraid they will be cut.  

I'm confident will my time in the fear landscape that i'm not worried that i will be cut, but rather that I will get detected because of the time and be killed by the dauntless leaders before I can even open the door to the banquet.

Tobias scans the room of Initiates, Before he speaks up again " Get ready and be at the sim room in 15 minutes. Remember, Your rank from your previous stage does not matter due to the fact that if you failed the physical stage of training, you wouldn't even be here. Whether you did great or barely made it in stage 1 makes no difference. If you become a dauntless member or not, is decided by your stage 2 results and how well you handle your fears, the time it took you to get over them and your straigie to do so. Goodluck." Tobias looks at us all one last time before settling his gaze upon me for a second, before turning and leaving.

I take a deep breath. What Tobias said seems to provide some of the initiates will comfort but definitely not Christina. 

Christina stands next to me, beside her bed, literally staring out into space. 

" Christina?" I inquire. Her head snaps to me, her eyes are watery.

" Christina whats wrong?!" I ask jumping up out of bed just as she burst out in tears.

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