Chapter 32: Ravens

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----Tris's Pov-----

After I dropped Molly off at the infirmary I head to the dormitories. I wonder what we will be doing in training tomorrow. 

I reach the dorms and open the door to enter.  Christina spots me and starts Clapping....Uhhhhh. As soon as she does the rest of the initaties start to clap to, with the exception of peter and drew.

Christina walks over to me and puts her arm around my shoulders.

"I can not believe you said that to Eric" She says smiling. I break out a smile too and walk with her over to Al and Will.

Edward comes up to me and says " That was pretty cool you know. Nobody has ever stood up to him like that, Or done that for a Person like Molly. Congrats" 

"Thanks" I say smiling up at him.  We walk over to will and Al and sit down on our bunks.

" You my friend have a death wish" Will says high fiving me. I laugh and say " Don't all us dauntless"  

We talk for a bit and relax, laughing and making jokes. Till Tobias comes in with a chalkboard and all conversations cease. 

He walks over to the wall in the back and hangs up the board, Standing in front of it so we cant see.

" This is a progress report. Not your final ranks but Just showing you where you are in your training. If you are a high ranked initiatie you lose points for losing to a high ranked initiate and vise versa.  That said if you are low ranked in the first stage of initiation it is drastically hard to improve your rank over time. Here is your progress report." With that he steps aside and  a erie feeling spreads over the room.

1. Edward

2. Peter

3. Will

4.  Drew


6. Tris

7. Molly

8.  AL

Nobody says anything  when they go up. Nobody moves. 

" Keep in mind there are 14 other dauntless born initiates and They will be added into the final stage one rankings. It could be 4 of them cut or 4 of you cut. 2 of them cut and 2 of you cut, Any combination is possible." He says scanning the group of us.

6th place. Third from the bottom. It's not terrible but I have a very good chance of failing and getting cut if I don't improve my rank. 

I go back to my spot with Al, Will and Christina and we sit in silence.

"I'm not going to make it" Al says breaking the silence.

" Yes you are "We all say. 

" What if I don't. What happens then, I go live in factionless, I would rather die than be factionless" He says tears brimming in his eyes.

" Hey, It's just a progress report. Not the real rankings-"I am interrupted by peter, holding a piece of paper in his hands.

"The mass exodus of the children of abnegation leaders cannot be ignored or attributed to coincidence" He reads "The recent transfer of Beatrice Prior, The child of Andrew prior, calls into question the soundness of Abnegations teachings" He says turning to me, a smug smile on his face. I give him a cold stare, The sound of Andrews name paralyzing me.

"Why would the child of such an important man, decide that the life set out for her is not an admirable  one?" Peter continues " A fellow Dauntless initiate, peter Hayes, suggests that An abusive and disturbed upbringing may be to blame. " I heard her talking in her sleep once, Telling her father to stop something. I don't know what it was but I was bad enough it gave her nightmares" Peter said." He says smiling. I get up from my bed and walk over to him, slowly, trying to control myself from pouncing on him. I stand in front of him and hold out my hand.

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