Authors note

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IMPORTANT PLEASE READ ALL: Hey guys thank you so much for all the support and reads. It really does drive and encourage me to keep writing! Speaking of which when we reach 1000 reads ( so another 44 to go) I will release another Chapter!

I have  taken a little break for a few days but If we get to 1000 reads I will write a 1000 word (At least) long chapter. PLEASE comment on what you think of the story, what you think should happen and If you have any constructive criticism. I really appreciate it if you guys could vote on each chapter you read!

Thank you guys so much for sticking with me this far, It really does mean a lot!

 ******Don't forget to go read and vote for Emergent-Allegiant alternate ending  by Divergent_123467  and To Follow her!!!!Thank you guys!!!******

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