Chapter 52: Lier!

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------Tobias's POV------

I sit there, not moving. Staring at Will as christina starts to hyperventilate and slowly sinks to her knees, covering her mouth with her hand holding in her sobs. 

Something's not right.

" Your lying" I say

Wills eyes soften and he shakes his head slightly.

" No im not, Four Im sorry" He says, I swear I see a flash of amusement

" Yes! You are" I shout " And your not going to get away with it" I stand up and leave Tris's Room as the Nurse comes in a tells The group visiting hours are over. I don't check to see if they go, I just walk, not sure where exactly i'm going. 

I end up at the chasm and put my head in my hands as I sit down on the cold ground. 

He is lying. He has to be. She squeezed my hand. Wait, isn't  Palmar grasp reflex in infants? Or adults with history of the disease? Why would Will lie? If she doesn't have the disease then what would the purpose be to say that she wouldn't wake up when she will cause she doesn't have-

My head snaps up.

" No no no no NO" I shout and sprint as fast as I can back to the hospital.

I shouldn't have left her with him. I shouldn't have left her alone. I slam through the hospital doors and rush to her room.

I swing open the door, slightly out of breath and what I see chills me to the bone and makes me freeze.

Will stand by Tris's bedside, Eric standing beside him. Eric has a evil grin on his face and Will wears a look of sadness, anger and relief. Will holds a syringe in his hand full of a tinted red liquid connected to her IV, ready to press the plunger. 

"  What the Hell do you think your doing?" 


I know I know Another cliffhanger! I couldn't help it!!!! So I know this chapter is ridiculously  short but I am really busy and have a TON of homework! 

But please comment what you think is going to happen next! And if you want anything to happen or have any suggests feel free to comment or PM me!

Thank you guys so much!Love you guys! Stay safe, brave and Divergent!!!! 

Word count 384 

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