Chapter 61: Okay

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---------- Fours POV ---------

" What?" I ask unable to see my leg

"Umm, Four it- you have a broken needle stuck in your leg. You must of fallen on it when you caught your friend" She says, looking up at me

" Ok, well can I rip it out" I say calmly. She looks at me incredulously.

" Seriously? You have severe bruising and a needle jammed into your leg from falling onto it when catching your friend- and you want to just rip it out? You should get surgery!" She says, her eyes wide

I sigh and roll my eyes. It can't be that bad.

" Could you get my friends?" I ask. They will just rip it out, no need for surgery. Of course I don't tell her that.

" Sure one second" she hurries off to get the gang and I twist and turn at all angles to see if I can see it but all I manage to see are bruises by my knee from where my angle hit my other leg when I dropped to catch Tris.

The gang comes in and then Zeke stops mid step

" Holy-" He swears and Uri stars at my leg wide eyed.

" Can one of you rip it out, this doctor thinks I need surgery" I say raising my eyesbrows.

they all stare at me like i'm insane aside from Lynn, and Tris weaves through them from the back to see me.

When she does her eyes widen.

" Omg are you okay!" She says, worry filling her beautiful eyes.

" I will be when one of you takes this needle out"

 "I'll do it" Lynn says walking over.

" Okay great" 

She looks at me and then squints her eyes

" Your serious?" I nod " Okay...."She says unsure. "well your going to want to hold on to something and look away, its gonna hurt like hell" 

I look over at Tris, locking my gaze onto hers and grip the edge of the bed.

Lynn grabs the edge of the needle and yanks it out of my leg. I clench my jaw and keep myself from making any noise, squeezing my eyes shut. My bad leg gives out on me but I support myself with my other. Zeke come over and grips my shoulder while Christina Gets the doctor and Lynn drops the needle into a basen, making a loud clanking noise. 

" Damn Four, that's like a 4 inch needle" Lynn says

" How the hell did you not like...I don't know, start screaming and crying?" Uri asks

I glare at him. " Really Uri?" Marlene speaks up " Have you ever seen Four start screaming nd crying over an injury?" she asks in aduh tone.

" Well I mean he did, when tris was in the coma" Uri says, At this chris smacks him up the side off the head.

 "Ow!" Uri shouts

" Dude!" Zeke yells at him.

Tris stares at everybody confused.

 "Idiot, why would you say that!" Chris says.

" What is going on? I was in a coma? Why would Four cry over that?" She asks completely confused.

I wince at her calling me Four. She doesn't remember me, us. 

the room goes silent but the doctor running into the room breaks the silence.

 "Oh my god! what did you guys do?" she yells I read her name tag, her name is Dr. Yang and is a cardiothoracic  surgeon. All doctors and surgeons here are Erudite but live and work in dauntless as doctors. 

" We ripped out the 4 inch needle that was embedded in his leg because  he saved the love of his life from crashing into the ground" Uri says and then his eyes go wide and covers his mouth

" His what!" Tris asks

I sigh and Zeke just shakes his head.

" DUDE!" Christina yells and Slaps him again, harder than before by the sound of it.

" OW" Uri shouts. "Im sorry it just slipped!" 

" At least she will remember in a hour" Marlene pipes up

 "If she remembers" Will adds

" What the hell is going on?" Tris asks, her eyes wide as she searches everybody's faces for answers.

" Just wait an hour and you will remember" lynn says

" If" Will adds

They all turn to look at him, he leans against the back wall, his arms folded.

" SHUT UP" We all shout at him. Chris also slaps him too and I smile faintly.

" Dr. Shepard explained how And why I lost my memory temporarily and explained that you guys are my friends and where I am and everything but she never mentioned that somebody had a crush on me" She says

" Oh honey, it's a lot more than a crush" Shanna says

 " Really shanna" I say and glare at her, and feel my cheeks heat up.

" Well I mean it's true" chris says shrugging " can't slap her for that"

I glare at her too and she shrinks back slightly.

" Okay everybody out" Dr. Yang says

" Wait can't we stay?" Tris asks. I know she doesn't love me right now, she doesn't know me. But the fact that she wants to stay makes me feel warm.

" Yeah unless there is a medical reason we have to leave we are staying" Shanna says

 "Yeah" Marlene says

" Me too" uri says

" Me three" zeke says

" Me four" I say and grin. They laugh lightly and Tris smiles.

She sighs but allows them to stay. Dr. Yang cleans and bandages my leg, sending us all home and Instructions for Triss to stay will one of us until she remembers.

We all agree, including Tris, that she should stay will me. I can help trigger her memory and She can stay at my place, since she has been there before.

We walk to my place, my leg numbed by the cream she gave me, so we take a few detours , walking by the chasm and net. 

Eventually after half and hour we reach my place.

" I'll take the couch, you can have the bed" I say. She starts to protest but I insest and we get ready for bed. I grab a spare pillow and blanket and set up on the couch.

" Night Four, thank you for everything" Tris says standing a few feet away from me. I fight the urge to close the gap completely and kiss her but I know I can't. 

" Goodnight Tris" I say. She smiles at me and gets into my bed while I get settled on the couch, pulling off my shirt but leave my sweatpants on.

I drift off to sleep and pray that she will remember. 

--- -Times lapse -----

I am awoken by two hands shaking me and open my eyes. I look up and see Tris, in her Pjs, her hair hanging down.

 "Tris? is everything alright? Are you okay?" I ask my voice husky from sleep. I sit up suddenly alert and looking around. My apartment is pitch black other than a lamp, turned on the nightstand.

I search the room for anything wrong but don't see anything out of the ordinary.  I look back at Tris, she is smiling and she puts her hand on my cheek. 

 " Tobias" She whispers. 





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