Chapter 41

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Diana’s POV

I wake up to see the sunlight brightly shining through the window and inside my room. I turn on my side only to be met with…Harry? When did he get here? He is behind me sound asleep. I wonder when he came here to sleep with me. I turn my whole body around so that I’m facing him now and I tuck a long strand of his hair behind his ear. Then I just lie and admire him. He looks so beautiful and peaceful when he’s asleep. His perfect, pink lips are slightly parted, his long, curly hair is in a mess, his face is spotless and his eyes, his beautiful jade are eyes are closed because he’s asleep. I can’t believe someone this beautiful and sweet is my boyfriend, I really can’t.


Harry’s POV

Last night when Diana told me that she was going to sleep in her room, my heart sank. I tried my best last night to cheer her up and make her feel happy but I guess I weren’t so good at that. I wasn’t exactly sure why she wanted to sleep by herself in her room but when I went upstairs I knew exactly why. I heard her crying from inside her room. I wanted to rush in there and hug her but then I thought twice about it.

I think she wanted to be by herself so I left and I came back an hour later. I took that chance to go inside because I didn’t hear any more crying. When I went inside sure enough she wasn’t crying any more but she was sleeping. She fell asleep while crying. I went to her side and I just stared at her for about a minute. She looked so beautiful and peaceful, calm and serene, and I love to see her sleeping because when she’s awake I know she has so much on her mind. But I was upset though when I found out she fell asleep while crying. It was painful to know that she fell asleep unhappy and I don’t even know why. I really wish I can wash away all of her pain and make her happy all the time but I can’t because that’s just how life is.

I lie in her bed thinking about what must have been on her mind last night. I really need to know because I’m her boyfriend. I take in a deep breath then exhale when I hear the door to her bedroom open and close. She appears in a towel, her skin wet and dripping with water because of the shower she just took. I smile up at her and she does the same. My eyes trail from her wet legs up to her eyes. Why do her eyes look like she has been crying? Her eyes are a bit red but it’s hard to tell if she has been crying because of the water on her cheeks from her bath.

She smells of vanilla and strawberry, the strong scent of her shampoo, along with lavender, the scent of the soap. She smells so good and I can’t help but take in all the wonderful smells she brings in with her everywhere she goes.

Then I sit up in bed and debate on whether I should ask her about what’s been bothering her or not. I mean it’s the only thing that has really been a problem to us and our relationship, whatever it is. From the corner of my eyes I see her drying her skin along with her wet blonde hair. I glance at the clock and see that she only has fifteen minutes to get dressed or else she’ll be late for school. I rush out of the bed and into the bathroom because I don’t want her to reach to school late because of me again.


“Princess, let’s play some Scrabble.” I lift her chin up with my index finger.

We just arrived home because I went to pick her up from school. Thank goodness she reached to school on time this morning; I would not have liked to get her in detention.

“Harry, I’m not exactly in the mood…” She trails off and looks pass me.

“Oh come on, please.” I beg with a pout on my lips, trying to look adorable and to convince her.

She agrees after I beg a couple more times and after playing for about an hour straight, building both funny and some naughty words, Diana excuses herself to use the bathroom. She comes back with a glum look plastered on her beautiful face. She sits back down beside me as she was sitting there before and I look at her with concern and worry.

“What’s wrong, love?” I cup her cheeks.

“My period just hit.” She pouts.

“Oh.” I wasn’t expecting that answer but I am rather relieved because I thought something else was wrong.

She removes my hands from her cheeks and rests her head on my chest. I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her back with me as we both lean back on the sofa. I turn on the television hoping it will make her feel a little better. I know she tends to get loads of painful cramps when she’s on her period and she’s also pretty moody.

We watch TV only for a couple of minutes then decide to head upstairs. I hold Diana all the way upstairs then gently place her down on the bed. I lie down on my back first on the bed and she lies in a position in which she can rest her head on my chest. I run my fingers through her long hair, stroking and combing through with my fingers, hoping it would relax and make her feel better.

“Princess, can you hear my heartbeat?” I suddenly ask.

“Yes.” She whispers.

“You know, my heart beats for you and only you.” I let my hand travel down to the small of her back and I begin to massage her a bit.

I hear her chuckle lightly but she doesn’t reply. She probably doesn’t believe me.

“Love, I’m serious. My heart only beats for you. I love you so much and I don’t know what I would do without you.” I press a kiss to her forehead.

“I didn’t know I meant that much to you.” She replies with a smile.

“You mean to more to me than you can ever imagine.” I say in a tone indicating that I’m telling her the truth.

“Harry, you mean so much to me too. I love you so much.” She tells me.

“Yes but I love you more.” I admit.

“No, I love you more.” She looks at me and I see that she’s being serious.

I stare into her eyes and soon get lost in them. Diana takes advantage of this moment, of course and kisses me till I get drunk of her. I really wanted to make love to her but sadly she’s on her period which sucks so bad!

Aww poor Harry, no love from Diana until she’s off her period. Please vote and comment guys.

Soo today is HARRY EDWARD STYLES BIRTHDAY! Can you guys believe my baby is already 21? He’s such a little dork and I wish he never grows up. Don’t matter how old he gets he’ll always be forever young and he’s still the same little idiot. I hope he never changes. I hope he stays the same loving, kind, sweetest little cupcake ever to exist because that’s just some of the wonderful qualities he has. Happy Birthday Harry!!! xoxox

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