Chapter 2

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Diana’s POV

“What is wrong with you?” A raspy voice asks from behind.

He has me in a tight embrace from behind. His arms are strong and long and can fit all the way around my waist so there’s no escaping for me. He holds unto me tightly if in case I try to escape. We are still on the cliff and I hear the sound of the waves crashing from beneath us.

“What’s the point in living, I’m useless anyways.” I bend my head down a bit and look to the ground.

“There are a lot of things in living. Actually God gave us life to live it not take it. When He’s ready He’ll take it away from us and I don’t think that’s anytime soon.” He whispers in my ear.

“But you may have things to live for but not me.” I reply.

“Why not you, love? What’s so bad about life?” He pulls me closer to his body.

“Well I just hate my life…”

“I know what happened to you and I know you can’t just forget about it just like that but think of your family you have to live for them right? What will your parents say when they find out about this.” He hugs me even tighter and I feel so warm in his embrace, he’s such a sweet and loving guy.

“My parents are dead.” I say below a whisper.

“What?” He shouts a little.

“My parents are dead.” I repeat in a murmur.

“What do you mean?” He inquires sounding shocked.

“The week just before the incident took place they got into a car accident and they got badly injured which ended in death…” I cover my face with both of my hands trying to hold back the tears.

“Hey its okay I’m here for you.” He moves his hand to my face and wipes away the few tears that leave my face.

I turn my body so that I’m facing him and bury my head into his warm chest. He rests one of his hands on my head and the other slowing rubbing my back.

“Okay love let’s go pack your things.” He suddenly lifts me up bridal style.

“What are you doing?” I lock eye contact with him for a minute but then manage to break it and stare at the night’s sky instead.

“Well you are underage which means you can’t live in a house all by yourself without a legal guardian. So since your parents aren’t here anymore you’ll be staying with me.” He gives me cute smile and I can’t help but smile along with him.

“Yeah but…” I’m cut off by him.

“No buts love unless you want to live in an orphanage.” He starts walking away from the cliff and the further he walks the less I hear the waves crashing against the cliff.


“So here is your room.” He lays me gently down on the bed.

He sets my bags down on the floor. We went to the house to get my stuff and everything else I would be using for my stay here with him.

The room he puts me in is a lavender colour and it’s really big. The bed is in the middle of the room and there is a desk next to the window. I think I might like it here.

“Well I’ll leave you now to get your things unpacked or do you want me to help you?” He walks to the door and waits for my answer.

“No it’s okay I can manage thanks.” I get off the bed bend down towards my bags to unpack just as he disappears through the doorway.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now