Chapter 49

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Diana’s POV

“Happy Valentine’s Day Princess!” Harry kisses me.

“Happy Valentine’s Day to you too cupcake.” I kiss him back.

“Thank you.” He hands me a heart shaped box.

I take it from him and open it up. The smell of fresh chocolates hits my nostrils and a huge grin appears on my face as I stare at the sweets. He’s so sweet. I grab the packet from the counter and place it Harry’s hand.

“You got me something?” He raises an eyebrow.

“Yes I did, it’s chocolates of course.” I say excited.

“Oh you just had to spoil the surprise, huh?” He chuckles.

“Wow thanks, I love these.” He says after opening the packet and taking a good look at the chocolates I got him.

He’s usually the romantic one here so he’s better at this but I wanted to get him something, after all he’s my boyfriend and it is Valentine’s Day. I guess I got him the right chocolates because he seems to like it. He takes one out of the packet and pops it into his mouth.

“Do you like it?” I ask as he tastes the chocolate.

“Mm yes.” He closes his eyes briefly as he savours the sweet.

“Someone has a sweet tooth.” I mention as he pops another one into his mouth.

“Why don’t you taste the ones I bought you, Princess?” He motions his head to the heart-shaped box in my hand.

“Oh yeah.” I put one into my mouth and I instantly regret not doing it sooner.

“Wow, Harry these taste so good.” I moan as I bite into another one.

“Baby, sorry to disturb you while you’re enjoying your delicious chocolate but that sounded rather sexual.” He smirks.

I feel my cheeks heat at little at his sudden statement. “I didn’t mean it that way...”

“Are you sure you didn’t?” He cuts me off and smirks.


Okay so I know I have said it a lot but Harry really is an amazing boyfriend. I couldn’t ask for anyone better. He’s like the sweetest guy and sometimes I wonder how someone like him can possibly exist. Earlier today he took me out to the theatre to watch The Fifty Shades of Grey movie. Sometimes I don’t understand him though because sometime last month he didn’t want me to read his Fifty Shades of Grey book but he took me to watch the movie today. He’s pretty unpredictable and weird at times but I still love this little dork.

And after the movie he took me to lunch. We talked about the movie as we ate and it was so much fun. He was being all naughty and cheeky especially when recalling the dirty parts of the movie which was most of it, I suppose. I love spending time with Harry and it’s something I don’t think I’ll ever get tired off. I just hope nothing breaks us apart and tries to come between us because I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose Harry; I love him too much and I have grown so attached to him that I don’t think I can possible stay a day without him.

“Ding dong” the doorbell rings and brings me come back to reality. I walk to the door and open it to see a guy holding a big bouquet of roses. He hands them to me and smiles.

“These are for me?” I ask surprised taking the bouquet.

 “Yes they are Miss. Happy Valentine’s Day.” With that he dismisses himself.

I turn around with the bouquet, staring at the lovely sight in my hand. I wonder if Harry got me these. There’s no way he can possibly get any sweeter. Its like he’s a sweet cupcake topped off with chocolates, M&M’s, sprinkles, jelly beans, gummy bears, Hershey’s and every other sweet thing there is. Yes that sounds like a very good description of Harry, I think. No, it’s not because when you think he can’t get any sweeter Nutella comes in and makes him even sweeter, then he’s topped off with cherries on top and Twix and then Jolly Rancher and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and I’m getting hungry...

“Harry.” I call from the bottom of the stairs.

“Yes, love.” He appears at the top of the staircase. “What’s the matter?”

“Did you order these for me?” I hold up the roses for him to see.

“Oh yes I did. Do you like them?” He slowly climbs down the stairs to me.

“I love them, how did you know I like roses?” I inquire as I continue to stare at the flowers.

“Lucky guess.” He shrugs.

“But I’m so glad you like them.” He places his hands on my shoulders as he reaches me.

“Yes me too. I still can’t believe you got me these.” I reply still amazed.

The real question is how did he know that I like roses? They are my favourite type of flowers and I always wanted a bouquet of them but I never imagined that he would get me these.

“It was nothing.” He kisses my nose. “But I need you to go get ready.”

“We’re going out again?” I slump my shoulders a little.

“Yes don’t you want me to take you out again? I mean it is Valentine’s Day so let’s have some fun and show off of our love for one another.” He kisses me briefly.

“I guess you’re right.” I grin as I gently push his arms off of me and pass him to get to the stairs.

“I’m going to go get ready.” I wink and rush up the stairs.


Harry’s POV

I never believed that I would have a girlfriend like Diana to actually show her how much I love her but guess I was wrong. I know I have done a lot of things to show her how much I love her but even though, with all the stuff that I’m doing it’s just not enough. I love her too much; so much that it hurts!

I stop the car and unlock the doors. I get out first and hurriedly walk to the passenger’s side to open the door for her like a real gentleman. She smiles and gets out. She’s wearing a pretty short but glamorous dress and my eyes can’t help but travel up and down her sexy legs. After she gets out I close the door and walk in front of her, leading her to where we would be eating.

I hear her gasp from behind me as the view comes into sight. I turn to look at her and I see that she has both of her hands covering her agape mouth. She’s totally shocked. The sight is rather breath-taking and if I was her I would be doing the same thing. I take my phone out of my pocket and just snap a shot of her without thinking. I haven’t taken much pics of her lately and I think I should start back. I mean how can I resist; she’s so beautiful?

I walk closer up to her and take her hand from her mouth, her eyes not moving from the view in front of us. I chuckle and gently pull her towards the stairs. There are candles on both sides of the stairs and they look so beautiful and romantic. I hold Diana’s hand and help her up the stairs. She doesn’t say anything as we take a seat; she’s probably still dumbstruck.

The chairs are white and beautiful and they have bows tied around them like they are for a newlywed couple or something. The table is also white and there are two plates filled with delicious food along with some wine glasses set on the table. I take a sniff and realize that I really am hungrier than I thought.

“Harry, how in the world did you manage to get a lovely place like this for us?” Diana finally speaks.

“I have my ways.” I smile and look around us.

I look further out and see a clear view of the ocean. The scene is so beautiful here. I can stare at it for hours and hours and never get tired just like Diana. I can stare at her for hours and hours and never get tired or bored because of her beauty. Her hair shines in the light and the blonde-purple hair makes me more drawn to her. She’s so mesmerizing and beautiful.

“Let’s eat huh?” I suggest after a while.

“Sure.” She takes up a fork and digs into her food.

“Happy Valentine’s Day again.” I reach for her hand across the table.

 She gratefully obliges and places her hand in mine. I hold onto her hand as we eat. She just smiles and every now and then I catch her still admiring the place. 

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Love you guys and hope you all had a wonderful day today. xxxx Anyone going to watch the Fifty Shades of Grey movie? I wanted to go but got no bf to go with... :'( 

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