Chapter 10

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Harry’s POV

I have been waiting for Diana for almost fifteen full minutes; I wonder what is taking her so long. I don’t always pick her up after school but I want to pick her up this afternoon. I wonder if she left already. No I came here before the bell rang so I would have seen her leaving and she would have spotted my car.

I climb out of the car and walk around a little looking to see if I see a head of blonde pretty curls anywhere around but unfortunately for me I don’t see anyone. It looks like everyone has left the school already. Maybe I should go in and check to see if she’s somewhere in there or maybe not.

I climb back into my car and start the engine. I was about to step on the pedal when I hear a scream and I immediately recognize it. I would know that scream from anywhere; not that I have heard it before but I know the voice so I can’t doubt the scream.

I hop out of the car and burst into the school’s building. I don’t see anything taking place on the corridor but I know the scream came from somewhere in here. I scan the hallway and further down I see a locked classroom door. I make my way down there and peer inside. I see nothing unusual other than a few paper pages lying on the floor. I try the door and sure enough it’s locked. I make my way further back up the hallway and closer to the exit just stopping to make another search for Diana.

I hear a few muffle noises and I turn back around to face the school’s hallway again. Okay, surely someone else is here because I’m hearing the noises. I walk back down towards the same classroom.

“Diana?” I call.

“Diana?” I call again.

I call a few more times and still I hear no answer. As I turn to walk back up I hear her scream again; this time not as loud as before. Then I hear a few murmurs and some muffled sounds coming from the exact same classroom that’s locked. I bang on the door a few times and try the knob again. I stand firm, getting ready to knock down the door when it soon opens up in front of me and Diana appears from behind it.

“Diana, what’s wrong love? I heard you screaming, is everything alright?” I put my arms on her shoulder and look into her eyes.

She doesn’t reply; she just stands in front of me shaking like she’s just seen a ghost or something. I ask her if she’s alright again and when she doesn’t reply I pick her up bridal style, seeing that she’s unfit to walk at the current moment, and take her to the parking lot where my car is parked. I help her in and then soon get inside myself. I start the car and head down the road.

Okay so it’s been a while now and she still hasn’t spoken to me as yet. I want to know what happened. I want to know why she screamed. I want to know why she was shaking like a leaf when she came out from the classroom. I want to why she isn’t talking to me.

I glance at her and then move my eyes back to the road quickly. I can tell that her mind is far away from here just by looking into her eyes. She looks a little pale and all I want now is to see her smiling again. I know she has been through so much before but I want to be the reason she smiles all the time. I want to make her smile now but I don’t know how; she’s not even talking to me.

She is leaning her head on the window and looking outside as I drive along the familiar road to our home. She looks so lonely and helpless and I can’t help but feel guilty somehow; like it’s my duty to make her happy but I don’t know how.


“Diana please talk to me. Tell me what’s bothering you.” I beg.

I look into her pools of blue and see only pain and sorrow. I have been trying to get her to talk to me for the whole afternoon but it looks like she still is in dreamland or something. She isn’t focusing on what is happening because if she was she wouldn’t have gone to sleep in her room instead she would have been in my room and she would be snuggling under the covers with me.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now