Chapter 47

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Diana’s POV

We have only been at this party for less than an hour and almost everyone is drunk as hell. Eric is here, Matt, Adam, Wilma, Kerry, and Liz as well. Lots of kids from school, mostly seniors, are present at this party too. I haven’t been to a party in such a long time, just as Harry but I can tell that he’s enjoying himself now.

I get a little tired of dancing and head into the kitchen. I leave Harry dancing in the crowd of drunken people; I think he’s drunk too. I sigh as I reach to the kitchen and pour myself a drink of soda.

“Hi there, beautiful.” I hear a very familiar from behind me.

I turn around and I’m met with blue eyes. He’s wearing one of those goofy grins.

“Hi Jack, what do you want?” I take a sip of my soda.

“Enjoying my party?” He pours himself some soda as he speaks.

“This is your party? And this is where you live now?” I ask suddenly surprised.

He lives so close to me; it’s only a few blocks away from Harry’s house. I wonder if he knows where we live. And this is his party? He was never a guy that liked parties but now he’s throwing them? He really has changed.

“Yeah and yeah.” He chuckles.

“You still haven’t answered my first question, what do you want?” I ask again while taking a seat on one of the stools.

“You.” He grabs a seat beside me.

“Not gonna happen.” I get up from the stool but he grabs me by the wrist and slightly pushes me back down on the seat.

“I know what I did was wrong. But can’t you just forgive me, Diana? I’m terribly sorry.” He pleads.

Now he’s making me feel bad. I want to forgive him but I don’t know…I’m so confused right now.

“I…uh alright I forgive you.” I tell him.

“Thanks so much!” He gets off of his stool and wraps his arms around me.

I get off my stool too but I don’t exactly hug him I just put my arms around him to make him feel better. He gently pulls away, like he doesn’t want to let go, but does anyways. He looks into my eyes then at my lips.

He leans in and I take a step back when I realize what he wants to do. After a few more steps back I hit the wall and have nowhere else to go because he’s blocking me from going anywhere. He pins me to the wall and his lips come crashing down on mine.

I don’t know why but I feel myself kissing him back. I feel him smirk into the kiss. We soon pull away and I feel so embarrassed for what I just did.

“Why did you do that?” I slightly push at his chest to keep him from coming any closer to me.

“Because I wanted to.” He smirks.

“Well don’t.” I push past him.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He grabs me by the wrist and pulls me back.

“I’m going back to my boyfriend.” I wriggle free from his grip and walk back into the living room where the party is taking place.

“Your boyfriend is enjoying the party, why can’t you too?” I hear Jack slightly shout because of the loud music.

I look over into the crowd and I spot Harry dancing with a red party cup in his hand. I continue looking at him and I spot Wilma dancing on him. What? Why the hell is she dancing on my boyfriend? I take a step forward hoping to go over to them and push her off of Harry but someone pulls me back.

I turn around I see Jack holding me back. The grip he has on my hand is tight and although I try to free myself he doesn’t let go. Instead he pulls me behind him back into the kitchen.


“Here’s to never growing up.” Harry sings and slurs his words at the same time.

He’s lying on the couch with his head on my lap while singing song lyrics from the party. He’s really drunk. I didn’t know he used to drink; well that’s probably because he’s never done it when I was around. I run my fingers through his long curly hair while he continues to sing Avril Lavigne’s “Here’s to Never Growing Up.” 

Jack offered to drive us home because of how drunken Harry was and he knew I didn’t have my licenses yet. I accepted his offer because we had no other choice and Harry didn’t interject because he was too drunk to know anything, really. He was being nice on the way here and also at the party except for when he kissed me. When he took me back into the kitchen he just talked about random stuff and he didn’t try to make another move on me again. He even asked me to just be friends with him and I agreed.

“We can’t stop and we won’t stop, yeah.” Harry sings “We Can’t Stop” by Miley Cyrus. Boy, he’s drunk. I continue to comb through his hair with my fingers as he sings. I really want to know why he let Wilma dance on him but he’s too drunk to answer right now, I guess. It will just have to wait till tomorrow.

“Hey baby, come on let’s dance.” He slurs his words and stumbles as he gets up from the sofa.

He pulls me up and starts to slow dance with me.
“Harry, there’s no music and I’m tired. I want to go to bed.” I whine.

“Oh no, you’re not going anywhere.” He swirls me around.

I groan but continue dancing with him. I don’t want to upset him, especially since he’s drunk. Although my feet are hurting right now and my head is slightly aching I move with the same rhythm as the music he just started to play.

He’s a pretty good dancer though. He hasn’t stepped on my feet once. I mean it’s amazing how one person can have all these wonderful qualities. I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder. Valentines is Friday and I don’t exactly have any plans. I wonder if Harry has anything in mind for us to do; he always surprises me and I really do love that about him. He’s a great boyfriend because of all he has helped me through.

I wonder what Jack intention is though. I mean he is acting all different from the guy I knew before. I can see he has changed a lot of his ways from good to bad but he is acting pretty different. Ugh why does my mind always travel back to him? I need to stop thinking about him because a far as I’m concerned he’s my ex-boyfriend that raped me. We’re just friends now, I hope.

Sorry this is short and boring but I’m thinking of doing a double update. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t so tell me what you guys think.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now