Chapter 18

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Harry’s POV

I have waited such a long time for that kiss from Diana and the day has finally reached for it to happen. My plan worked exactly how I wanted it to; the day we were setting up the tree and decorating the inside of the house, I climbed up on a chair and placed the mistletoe in a high place, next to the kitchen counter. I was patiently waiting for the perfect time for her to be underneath the mistletoe so I can finally get a kiss from her. I’m the happiest man alive right now because I kissed her. I’m glad she liked it though because if she didn’t I would have been the most disappointed person ever.

“Did you eat breakfast, love?” I ask slowly pulling into a breakfast parlour.

“Yeah.” She smiles.

“You’re not very good at telling lies, you know?” I say as I find a little place to park.

“Are you taking me to eat here, because I’m not hungry?” She sits put.

“C’mon Princess, we’re both going to have breakfast here because I haven’t eaten as yet either.” I shut off the car and unlock the doors.

She climbs out of the vehicle and I do the same. We walk up to the parlour, hand in hand. I know she’s not officially my girlfriend as yet but I just can’t help myself from entwining my fingers with hers. We left the house a few minutes ago and I know she hasn’t eaten yet (neither have I) and I don’t think it’s a good thing for either one of us to shop with a hungry stomach.

We walk into the shop and I smell the wonderful aroma of pancakes, waffles and bread. We walk up to the counter and place our orders then take a seat in one of the many booths to wait for our food.


Diana’s POV

Harry and I have been roaming the mall for quite a while now; we picked up a few things for ourselves but nothing for each other as yet. I have no idea what to buy for him. He’s still holding my hand and I don’t think he’s going to let go anytime soon.

“Princess, why don’t you go in that store there and I’ll go in this one. I want to find something really good for you.” He winks and slowly let goes of my hand.

“Alright, Harry.” I nod and head into the opposite store.

I feel a little lonely without him being here in a store all by myself. I brush that thought out of my head and start looking for something good for him. I scan the outfits on sale which are shirts. I know Harry likes shirts but I think he has a lot already. I walk over to the other stack of clothes and I see loads of sweaters. Maybe I should buy one of those for him. I walk over to the clothes and pick out a cute grey hoodie instead.

I walk around the whole store scanning all the other items and another thing that catches my eye is a Manchester United sweater. I have learned that Harry supports Man United and he might like this too. I grab a Brazil t-shirt for me with the number 10 and Neymar printed on it. I love Brazil and Neymar so much. I also support Barcelona but I don’t see any of the items on sale, too bad.

After grabbing all the items I want I walk to the checkout counter and checkout the stuff, hoping that Harry would be ready by now.

After paying for everything I stroll out of the store and gaze around looking for Harry. I spot him talking with a brunette girl about some jewellery it looks like. I see her showing him a line of different accessories and stuff. He’s still in the same store so I decide to go wandering a little.

I walk around and find myself in a candy store. The fresh smell of sweets hits my nostrils as soon as I step into the store. I scan the shelves that are loaded with all different types of candies and sweets. I see M&M’s, Hershey’s, Twix, the big rainbow lollipops and loads more. There’s so much that I can hardly count them all. There’s even Twizzle’s, gummy bears, peppermint candy canes, Oreos and lots of chocolates.

“Hi ma’am can I help you?” A boy around my age asks.

I see he’s wearing a name tag which reads, “Chris”.

“Hmm can I buy the whole store?” I reply and he chuckles.

“Ah that would be a lot of money, think you can handle it?” He laughs.

I shrug and ask him how much for the Twix. I have spotted Harry a couple of times eating the snack so I guess he must like it.

“Hey, beautiful.” Harry greets me as he walks into the store with a little bag in his hand. Guess he bought me something then.

I show him the different types of candies and snacks and the first thing he grabs is the Twix. Hmm I guess my guess was correct. He does like Twix.


Harry’s POV

I examine a beautiful black mini dress with matching shoes for Diana. We split up again to go in different stores to get something for each other. This dress would look beautiful on her, I just know it. I purchase it and then move into another store.

I bought her a lovely necklace with her name printed on it, along with matching earrings and a cute band for her hand at the jewellery store a while ago. Now I bought her a black mini dress with matching shoes. What else should I buy her?

Upon reaching the other store I glance inside before stepping in. The first thing I see is a bottle of perfume. Maybe I should pop in here. I walk in and look around to see if I can spot a nice fragrance for her.

Out of all the bottles of perfumes present, only one catches my eyes. A cute, purple little bottle with a crown on top and the name Princess printed on the front. I take up the bottle and spray a little in the air to see if it smells as good as it looks.

“Hi do you need any help, sir?” A young lady asks.

“Hang on.” I take a whiff of the fragrance and I have to say; it’s one of the best things I have ever smelt excluding Diana; she always smells great but this will make her smell even better.

 I ask the young lady for the price of the perfume and after checking it out I quickly move into another store. This store looks like a store I must have been looking for but I just didn’t know it. It has lots of body baths items and shower sets. I search through all the items and I see a lotion, a body gel, a body scrub, a shampoo and conditioner, and three body sprays which are different flavours. This is another perfect present for Diana. I can’t believe I’m finding all these wonderful things for her.


Diana’s POV

Whenever I ask Harry what he wants for Christmas he always says socks so today I decided to buy him some socks. I bought him a few pairs and I also bought him an entire box of Twix without him even noticing.

We are now back together, walking into random stores while Harry has my hand in his. We are looking like an official couple although we aren’t quite one as yet. Hopefully Harry knows this.

I feel a tug on my arm and when I turn my head to see what it is, I see an eager Harry pulling me inside another store. As soon as we reach into the store I realise that we are in a lingerie store. I feel another tug on my arm and when I turn to Harry I see that stupid smirk on his face. What is he so excited about?

He lets go of my arm and lifts up a matching panty and bra for me to see. Why the hell is he showing me this? I’m definitely not wearing that thing. He puts back down the items and picks up another one. This one the bra is too revealing and the panty is a thong.

“Harry, why are you showing this to me?” I ask.

“You’ll have to wear this for me soon, love.” He smirks.

“Harry.” I grab the items and place them back down where they rightfully belong and he just chuckles.

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