Chapter 72

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Diana's POV

Prom, prom, prom. That's what everyone is talking about. There are posters on the halls reminding us of the date, time, and other stuff about prom. Everyone is talking about it and I don't think I can stand it anymore. I'm not going and I'm not excited for it either. And the reason why everyone is talking about it is because it's Friday, yes this Friday.

"Hey Diana, do you already have your dress for prom?" Samantha comes up and pulls me in a warm embrace.

"No I'm not going." We walk towards our lockers.

"What do you mean you're not going? You're kidding right? You and Harry are talking now so what's the problem." She raises her voice a little and I see some students looking at us.

"Calm down Sam. It's not that I just don't feel like going." I reply.

"You're crazy. We're seniors, this is going to be our last prom and you're not going? You're kidding me." Sam just can't seem to shut up about it either.

"Hey, which one of you beautiful ladies would like to go to prom with me?" Adam pops out of nowhere and wraps each of his arms around me and Samantha.

"I think they both would choose me over you, you dork." Eric laughs at him.

"No, none of us would like to go with any one of you because I already have a date which is Louis and she isn't going." Sam points to me then frowns.

"What, you're not going? Why?" Adam looks at me in shock.

"If you don't have a date then I'll take you." Eric offers.

I smile at him and shake my head.

"No she has a boyfriend he'll take her if she's going but she just doesn't want to go. I don't know what's wrong with her." Sam glares at me. Boy she's mad that I'm not going.

"Why aren't you going?" Adam looks me in my eyes waiting for an answer.

Just as I was about to answer someone speaks up.

"Prom isn't a place for losers like her Adam." Everyone turns their head in the direction of the oh-so-familiar voice of Wilma.

"Really? Then why are you going?" Eric sasses her.

I stifle a laugh. Just then Matt comes into view and he walks over to Wilma. He places a kiss on her lips then pulls away and he holds her hand. Wow I never expected them to be together. When I say never I mean never. They look good together since she's a hoe and he's close to rapist since he almost raped me. And then we became friends again but I haven't spoken to him in a long, long time.

"Oh Eric if you know what's good for you, you wouldn't talk back to my girlfriend." Matt glares at him and they both walk off with Wilma smiling so proudly of herself.

"They're together now?" I blurt out.

"Yes." Eric answers shortly before disappearing in class as the bell rings.

"Don't worry about him he's just upset he lost a friend but I never really considered that idiot as a friend ever since he almost raped you. Catch you girls later." Adam says before heading off to class as well.

"Wow he almost raped you?" Sam asks before we head to class.

"Yeah but I don't want to talk about it." I dismiss myself and head to first period.


Today was a long day. I managed to get through with it and now I'm home again thank God. We aren't doing much in school these days since exams are over except everyone talking about prom, prom and more prom.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now