Chapter 45

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Diana’s POV

Ah finally it’s Saturday and I can feel the change of weather now. I can feel that spring is near somewhere. Today is usually my relaxing day but I so badly want to do something fun with Harry. I don’t really care what we do; I just want to have fun. This week has been pretty stressful for me and I feel like I need a little fun and excitement.

“Harry I want to do something fun today.” I stick my bottom lip out and give him the puppy eyes look.

“Oh really? What do you want to do today then?” He kisses my nose.

I shrug my shoulders because I really don’t know what I want to do today.

“Come. Let me give you a little tour of my mansion.” He takes my hand and pulls me up from the sofa.

“A tour of your house, now?” I ask uncertain of it.

“Yes. I want to show you something.” He says and I hint a bit of excitement in his tone.

“Oh alright.” I agree and follow right behind him.


I just realized that I am living in a really, really huge house. I have never been in half of the rooms Harry just showed to me. I didn’t know he had like five more bedrooms hidden somewhere in this big house. And I just realized how rich he really is. Well he is an amazing songwriter so of course he makes a ton of money.

I also found out that Harry collects art. He has a room filled with art; all different types of paintings, drawings and even pictures. I also noticed a bit of pottery in there too. He even has a secret game room. It’s so cool and I’m surprised he never showed it to me before.

“Princess?” Harry calls.

“Yes Harry?” I ask as I approach him.

He opens the glass doors in front of him and motions for me to go inside. I peer in the room and I feel that I am lost for words. I walk inside slowly and amazed at what I’m seeing.

“Harry I can’t believe my eyes.” I say sounding extremely astonished.

“I know you can’t.” He walks closer and hugs me from behind.

I put a hand over my mouth because of how shocked I am. I really wasn’t expecting this. I just thought this was another room that Harry had hidden here but this never crossed my mind.

“Well, say something.” Harry says from behind me, leaving soft and wet kisses up my neck.

“I don’t know what to say. I’m beyond shock.” I reply.

Then after a few minutes of being shocked I turn around and slap Harry. Not too hard but not too soft, either.

“Ouch! What the hell was that for?” He exclaims while holding his cheek.

“You had an indoor pool and you never told me. Harry, all this time and you never told me. I am beyond shocked but I’m also pretty upset that you never told me about it.” I say with a bit of sadness in my tone.

“I know I’m sorry. I myself forgot I had an indoor pool.” He chuckles lightly.

“How did you forget you had an indoor pool?” I ask curiously.

“I don’t know. I guess you distract me. A lot.” He smiles.

I giggle at that. He always has a way to make me laugh.

“Oh yeah, blame it on me then.” I say with sarcasm.

“Yeah I’m blaming it all on you. Take off your clothes and let’s go for a swim.” Harry starts to undress.

“Wait, let me get my bikini.” I rush out of the room and into my room.

I start rummaging through the closet to find myself a bikini. That’s if I packed a bikini because I’m not sure I did when I came here to live with Harry. After a couple minutes of searching through the wardrobe I find a two piece bikini. I quickly change into it and I walk back down the hallway towards the room where the indoor pool and Harry is.

As soon as I step inside the room I hear a whistle. When I look around the room I see Harry already inside the pool with a huge grin plastered on his face. He winks as I walk closer.

“You look amazing, baby.” He compliments me and I feel myself blushing at his sudden comment.

I really have no idea why I’m blushing because he has seen me naked more than I can possibly count and he also told me that tons of times before. It’s probably because of how much I love him and I still can’t believe our love is so true.

“Come on in, Princess. The water’s fine.” He pats the water lightly.

“Wait… are those sharks in there?” I point into the pool.

“They’re just pictures, Princess.” Harry moves to the area where the sharks are and swims around.

I smile and walk down the little stairs, feeling the coolness of the water on my legs as I as I move further down into the water. Harry comes up and takes my hand as I reach the bottom of the stairs. The water is now up to my belly and I feel my body slightly trembling because of the cold water.

“Harry I can’t swim, you know?” I tell him.

“You can’t?” He asks a bit surprised.

I shake my head.

“Oh that’s alright, love. I’ll teach you but for now I’ll hold your hand and I won’t let go of you.” He assures me.

“Oh no, I remember you saying that last time when we were ice skating and you did let go of my hand. Nice try, Harry but I’ll just sit right here.” I take a seat on the stairs.

“Go ahead, I’ll sit right here and watch you.” I motion for him to go back and swim.

He goes and back to his swimming. I have to say he’s a really good swimmer. He does a few back flips and splashes water all over me. I sigh after a few minutes and I think Harry heard because he swims up to me.

He pulls my leg unexpectedly under the water and I let out a scream. He does it again and pulls me into the water with him. He starts laughing slightly when he realises that I can barely stay up on the surface of the pool.

He kisses me briefly and he turns me around so that my back is facing him. He holds me by the waist and starts to nibble on my ear. Then he I feel him pulling me down with him further into the deep water.

“Harry, what are you doing?” I whisper.

“Just hold your breath for a minute, k?” He kisses my cheek.

“Okay.” I take in a deep breath and in that moment he dips me down under the water.

I open my eyes and I see how beautiful the view is under the water then when he pulls me up back to the surface again. I let out the breath and start to pant lightly.

“I want to do it again.” I beg Harry.

“You sound like a little kid.” Harry chuckles.

Dedicated to all my lovely readers. Thank you all so much for all the support you have given me; really means a lot that you guys love this story so much. Thanks once again, love you all xxxx

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