Chapter 26

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Harry’s POV

I know Diana must be tired because of all the hustling we did today. I’m tired and I bet Gemma and mom are too. Gemma and mom didn’t get to buy anything for Diana so we went shopping today. Yesterday they were tired and just wanted to relax so we had no other choice but to go shopping today. Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve so we can’t go tomorrow.

This morning we played cards for a few hours and it was a lot of fun. Mom tried to cheat me a couple of times but at the end of it all I still won most of the games. We even played a bit of board games like monopoly, chess and checkers. Diana and Gemma were pretty good at checkers. They won most of those games. We had a bunch of fun this morning but then when we left for the busy mall it was horrible.

The place was packed with people, the stores were crowded, and we are tired after all of it. So I suggested for us to watch a Christmas movie on a lovely Christmas Eve eve. Christmas only comes once a year so we should make it worth it. We’re watching The Sons of Mistletoe. It’s a wonderful Christmas movie that’s why I suggested it.

My mom is sitting in one of the two single seats while Gemma is sitting in the other one. And Diana and I are in the love seat. She has her legs curled up on the seat and her head is on my chest. I have my arm around her waist to warm her. She looks so beautiful in her oversized sweater and leggings. I love this girl so much!

I grab the popcorn from the coffee table and take out a handful and shove it in my mouth. Diana and I are sharing one big bag of popcorn and mom and Gemma have one each for themselves. I throw a glance at Diana and see her eyes intent on the movie. I hand her the bag of popcorn and she gratefully takes it from me. She takes some up in her tiny hands and puts it in her mouth. My eyes stop to look at her beautiful lips that I want to kiss. I wish I can kiss her right here and right now but my mom and sister are present in the room.

I feel my lips aching to be on hers. I pull her closer to me and she doesn’t take her eyes off of the TV. She’s so oblivious to what I want to do to her. Maybe if I focus on the movie I wouldn’t have the urge to kiss her right now. I keep my eyes on the TV but it’s no help because my lips still wants to kiss the beauty I have beside me. I feel so restless because I can’t kiss her. I take my index finger and lift up her chin. I place a quick peck on her cheek. That’s not enough to help my aching lips. I turn her face and quickly peck her lips.

“Harry are you okay?” She whispers loud enough for only me to hear.

“I really want to kiss you, Princess.” I whisper back for only her to hear.

“Okay.” She whispers back.

She clears her throat the stands then says in a loud enough voice, “Uh excuse me I need to use the bathroom.”

She walks out of the room and glances back at me.

“Erm, yeah me too.” I get up from my seat and follow after her.

Gemma and mom exchange glances, like they know what we’re up to, but when I leave the room I see they focus back their attention on the movie.

I follow after Diana who enters the bathroom. I don’t know what the hell’s wrong with me but I want to kiss her all of a sudden. I know she’s just making an excuse to let me kiss her. She’s just the sweetest little thing.

We both enter the room together and she closes the door after me. Then she turns around to face me. A smirk plays on my face and I see the edges of her lips tugging into a smile. I pull her away from the door and push her up against the wall. I press my lips on hers and hungrily kiss her. I haven’t kissed her like this before so I don’t know if she’ll like it.

She kisses me back which indicates that she does like it. I gently pull away and rest my forehead on hers. “I love you.” I whisper and press my lips back on hers. We kiss for a few more minutes until she gently pulls away.

“Maybe we should get back... Gemma and your mom must be wondering what’s taking us so long.” She whispers, trying to catch her breath.

“Yeah you’re right.” I nod in agreement.

I turn the knob on the door and open it.

“Wait. I think I need to pee.” She giggles.

“Fine. I’ll wait outside.” I walk outside and wait for her.

As we enter the room Gemma and mom glances in our direction. Gemma gives me a weird look like if we went to have sex. I just brush her off and return back to my position on the couch with Diana by my side. We sit in silence and continue to watch the movie.

“Wow looks like you two really do love each other. You do everything together.” Mom breaks the silence and throws a smile in our direction. “Even use the toilet together.”


Harry’s POV

“Harry?” Diana groans and climbs up on top of me.

“Yes, baby?” I pat her hair slightly.

“I love you.” She places a kiss on my lips.

“I love you too.” I place one on her lips.

“I love you more.” She kisses my neck.

“No I love you more.” I raise myself up a little on my elbows and kiss her forehead.

We just came to bed and I don’t think Diana is sleepy yet. She’s wearing one of those really short nightgowns which are exposing her legs. She has such beautiful slender legs. Everything about her is beautiful to me. I’m love struck over her. 

She climbs higher up on my body so she can reach my neck properly. She kisses me there and lingers a little longer than necessary. She moves to my collarbone and further down to my chest. I feel chills whenever she leaves a wet kiss on my body. I would let her do whatever she wants to my body but I want to kiss her body too.

I get up and switch her over so that she’s underneath me now and I’m on top. I’m on top and I’m straddling her. I press some soft kisses on her lips. Then I move to her jaw and afterwards her earlobe. Then I move to her neck and linger there. I kiss her neck roughly and suck on it until I hear a moan escapes her mouth. I pull away and see that I left a reddish mark on her neck. A smirk appears on my lips and I see her face with a confused expression in the moonlight. She’s so innocent after all she went through and still so beautiful. I always wonder why something so tragic had to happen to a beauty like her.

Hope you guys like this chapter. I had fun writing it and hopefully you all had fun reading it ;) Thanks for all the support on this book and please continue to stick with me until the end. I promise I will complete this book and I can guarantee you it will be great! Ily xoxo

Did anyone see what was trending on Twitter yesterday? #CongratsontheWeddingLiam lol. Niall was pregnant with Liam’s baby haha. Niall’s such a little whore he cheated on Harry with Liam? Last time I checked he was pregnant for Harry. And Liam cheated on Zayn with Niall? And Harry cheated on Louis with Niall? Gosh everyone wanna win the Irish cupcake heart, no wonder he’s single. He doesn’t know who he wants to be with hahaha. 

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